Chapter 184 - An Unusual Job Offer

Start from the beginning

"The Mable Foundation?" Master Makarov said shocked.

"No way…," Elfman said.

"I have heard of that place," Erza said, "You're a member of the Mable Family?"

I gave the redhead a confused glance, "The Mable Family?"

"I see my fame preceded me," Elizabeth chuckled, "Yes my family is quite well known in the world…well, we've fallen into obscurity for the past years. You could say that I am the last surviving member of that infamous family."

"Is that why you want a bodyguard?" Master Makarov asked.

"No my family have nothing to do with that," Elizabeth answered him as her eyes fixed upon me, "It's for another purpose entirely. Since I am already familiar with Eve…I want to choose her as my bodyguard."

Master Makarov hummed lightly before he turned his gaze toward me.

"Well Eve?"

I stared at the girl across me for a few moments thinking. She was up to something, that much I knew and unlike that time at the ball I wasn't going to let my guard down around that girl. She already showed me that she hides behind a mask.

"What's the reward?" I asked.

"Two hundred million jewels," Elizabeth said simply.

There was a collective gasp as everyone stared at the girl in front of them in shock. Even I was surprised at the amount of money that she was going to give just a bodyguard job. Master Makarov had his mouth dropping open in shock.

"T…T…Two hundred million jewels?" he gasped.

"T…That's almost as much we made in the Grand Magic Games," Elfman said shocked.

"S…She can thrown out that kind of money just for a bodyguard job?"

"That's insane…,"

Elizabeth gave me that smile again, similar to the ones she gave me that night when were dancing in the Ball.

"Do we have a deal?"

"You're giving me that much money just to do a bodyguard Job?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in skepticism.

"I could give you more if that's what you want," Elizabeth said, "It's not like I'm going to be needing money anyway…might as well put it to good use right."

I stared at her, completely thrown off by her. What the hell was wrong with that girl?

"I can't really deny your request," I told her, "If I do it will make my guild look bad."

Elizabeth clapped her hands again, a smile upon her face.

"Alright," she said, "Let's go then…we have a long to go."

"What exactly are you planning to do here?" Erza asked her, "if you're willing to give up that much money just for one person, wouldn't it be better to have multiple wizards along?"

"If it was anyone else they probably would have," Elizabeth told her patting the redhead on the shoulder, "But I have never done anything the way people expect so…"

She simply shrugged her shoulders before making her way toward the door of the building.

"Sir Makarov," she called out, "The money will be delivered to you in three weeks time as well as a thank you note for letting me takes Eve along with me."

"You hired me for a Job," I said.

"Of course Miss Mable," Master Makarov said bowing his head.

The young woman gave him a light smile again before turning her attention toward me again. She gave me a small smile.

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