"Anklet next to my ear?" Yagi leaned in. "Next to my ear?"

"That's different." You rolled your eyes hard. "Tell me how." He smirked. "It sounds prettier and more discreet." You said confidently. "Where's the need to be discreet when it's just us?"

"Whatever," You waved it off playfully. "I still say we have time for something since you're still here."

"We have enough time for us to lie here and talk before I go, not much else."

"Not even butt stuff?"

A rumbling laugh came from his chest, smirk turning into a full smile. "You're an absolute comic when you're half asleep."

"What do you mean?" Your head tilted. "Do it squirt?"

"You're tired."

"I am. Now answer the question."


"Toshi. Is it like milky ropes or a steady dribble?"

"No, it looks like that scene from scary movie."

You almost choked on your laugh, forcing a sound of disgust out in between before settling down into another deep exhale. "Do you really have to go?" You fight a frown, even as he leaned in to press a kiss on your cheek this time. "I do. I'll bring you something back."

"I want you to hit it from the back." You huffed, his eyes shooting to yours unsure of how to reply. "I'm just saying, you could be pushing my cervix behind my spine as we speak but-"

"I'm going to miss you - so much." He moved his hand, resting it on your cheek.

"Don't say that like you're going away forever."

"I don't know how long I'll be gone"

"Promise to keep me updated. Don't leave me on read again."

"I promise to let you know I'm alive with more than read receipts this time."

"You gotta promise you'll fold me like origami." That earned a cackle. You sat up and grabbed hold of his shoulder. "No, don't laugh. You need to rearrange my guts on sight." Your gaze hardened. "On sight?" Yagi repeated. "Well, maybe not immedia-" You sucked your teeth. "You know what I mean."

"I do." His smile softened, his hand moving to rest on your hip.

"Yeah...scramble my eggs."

"Time for you to go back to sleep." He patted your hip a few times, and nudged you towards your pillows. "No, I'm going to dial the rotary phone and then go to sleep." You huffed. Something about the smirk that graced his lips made your stomach do back flips. "Can I watch?"

"You need to leave."

"Is that a no?" He grinned.

"You!....I had a dream about this once, this is not how I thought I'd find out that this was on brand for you." You confessed in a sigh. "This is not."

"A dream about-?"

"Oh, it's so gross." You waved it off.

"You have wet dreams about me?" He pushed up, getting a little too close for the conversation at hand. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" You tried to change the subject.

"Tell me what happened."

"How about you go do your job?"

"They can wait, I want to hear this."

"Yoshi, no-"

"How gross was it?"


"It was nasty wasn't it?"

"Go to work!"

"You should tell me so I can make your dreams come true."

"You're a cornball and you're getting on my nerves."

"I'm trying to get you off."

"No, you're trying to get another call from the commission."

"You're so shy all of a sudden. So cute." He reached up and pinched your cheek.

"Bro." You snatched up a pillow, charging a mean swing in that cushion. "Tell you what," Yagi paused and sat up. "I'll leave, but I'm going to call you on the way out the door. That way you can tell me without feeling so embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed."

"You are." He kissed your head again, pulling the pillow from you while he did.

"You weren't this sweet in it." You said quietly.


"Not even close. That's all I'm telling you." You shrugged.

"For now?"

"I'll think about it. Maybe I'll text you about it."

"Ooh, an erotic novel. I've always wanted to read one of those but never got around to it."

"Really?" Your eyes went wide, as you scooted closer. "Mm, I thought you'd eventually recommend some." He placed your pillow back down out of reach, not that it'd help when you already had four to choose from. "What do you mean by that?" Your head tilted.

"I've peeped over your shoulder to see what you were reading here and there." He answered simply.


"There was a me that thought you were reading some fantastical fiction. I imagined you slaying dragons the way you'd sit there smiling at your phone."

"Toshi, listen-"

"Then I saw you smiling about an orc gangbang in the middle of some forest-"

"Toshi, you gotta go."

"It was so graphic. I get why you didn't even hear me walk up, it was intense. And the enchanted vines? Good touch. I can only imagine what you dreamed of."

"You know what? I think I will go to bed. Goodnight. Safe travels."

Time in a Tree (All Might x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now