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Weeks had passed and Ophelia felt huge. Her ever growing bump was constantly in the way she could almost no longer see her toes.

Enzo had been there to help her with any of needs suck as putting on her shoes which proved to be a challenge.

The physician had told the two royals that the baby should be here within the next month or two at most.

"You needn't dressed up, my darling. This is only a feast for a returning Lord who is no one of importance." Enzo told his wife, coming up behind her and placing his hands on her bump.

"I am a Queen, I have to look like one." Ophelia heaved a sigh, these past few weeks have been horrible for the dark haired woman. Her feet were always sore and she constantly felt ill.

The French King knew there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise. That was just a losing argument every time.

"Well then, let's go."


"Your Grace." Lord Bayliss bowed to his King and Queen who sat on their thrones.

"Lord Bayliss, how were your travels?" Ophelia asked with a smile. 'Smile and keep them happy' was Catherine's great advice on how to keep the Lords happy, after all they supplied most things for France.

"They were well, Your Grace. I have brought back a gift, for our future Prince....or Princess." He added after a brief hesitation. Ophelia smiled faltered for a moment, her hand tightened.

"That is very kind of you." Enzo nodded his head to the Lord who handed a large box wrapped in ribbon to a guard who brought it up to the two rulers.

The guard opened the lid of the box to reveal the head of none other than Charlie Gold. His eyes staring blankly up will forever haunt Ophelia's mind.

Everything around Ophelia was muffled. She could barely hear the yells of those around her. She vaguely registered soldiers falling into the room and people frantically leaving the room.

Ophelia felt as though she was underwater. She was snapped out of her own mind when Catherine appeared in front of her. Taking her into her arms and rushing out of the room, towards a door that was hidden beneath a banner.

"I'm so sorry, my dear." Catherine held her daughter in law near. Leading her to a room that held a single bed, chamber pot and a few other necessities.

Ophelia had yet to shed a tear. Her face was blank. Eyes just as blank as her brother had been. Her brother. Her baby brother.

He had told her that he was going to be in the stables simply because he did not enjoy socialising with the other Lords, then introducing their daughters to him constantly bored him.

"My Charlie." Ophelia whispered softly. That's when she felt the sharp pain in her lower abdomen causing her to wince and double over in pain.

"Ophelia?" Catherine stood from her spot on the edge of the bed, walking closer. The Queen Mother finally noticed the blood spreading on the dark haired woman dress.

"No, no, no" Ophelia muttered shaking her head in disbelief.

Catherine lead Ophelia to the bed, while trying to undo her dress. "It going to be okay, my dear." The blonde tried to comfort her daughter-in-law and herself.

"It too soon." Ophelia sobbed out as another sharp pain wracked through her body.

"I'm afraid this babe wants out." Catherine pulled the sleeves of her dressed up and helped Ophelia into a light night gown before laying out cloths underneath her legs.

"No, I need Enzo." Ophelia's heart ached for the comfort of her husband, she didn't even know if he was okay. She remembered hearing the clashing of swords as Catherine dragged her out of the throne room.

"Enzo will be fine." The blonde said sternly, her worry continued to grown as the blood seemed to be rushing out of the Queen at a fast pace.

Ophelia let out a pained yell as another contraction occurred.

"You need to push, Ophelia."


Tears streamed freely down her face as she groaned in pain. It had been at least an hour and there was still no sign of the baby coming.

"I-I can't. I can't do it anymore." Ophelia cried out. At this point she didn't know what she was crying for, her brothers death, not knowing if her husband is even alive, the pain she was going through, not knowing if her baby was going to live or her preparing for her own death.

"My mother almost died giving birth to Charlie." Ophelia muttered to her mother-in-law, "That is why she only ever had us two children, she would never had survived a third."

"You are not dying today." Catherine grasped Ophelia's hand tightly. Ophelia smiled slightly, hoping that it was comforting to her mother-in-law.

For some strange reason the thought of death was comforting whether it be because she would be out of the horrendous pain or she would see her little brother again, death would bring her peace.

Pushing once again. God she never wanted to do this again. Ophelia shouting came to a halt and the sound of a baby's cry was heard in the silence.

"A girl." Catherine smiled widely as she wrapped her first grandchild in a clean blanket before handing her to Ophelia.

"My sweet girl." Ophelia smiled so hard it began to hurt her cheeks. "I love you so much my little dove." She placed a kiss on her daughters forehead before feeling her eyes begin to get heavy and her legs wet again.


"Ophelia?" Catherine watched helplessly as her daughter-in-law fell out of consciousness.

The baby began crying as though she knew something was wrong with her mother.

Catherine picked up the baby girl and held her close, a tear streaming down her face as she stared at the pale face of Ophelia.


Authors Note
Uh, Hi!
I'm sort of back ig updates will still be kind of slow as they always have been.
Thanks for sticking around <3


𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 (on hold being rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ