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She immediately got up and examined him while tilting her head at him, he looked ar her confused. She held his arms and felt his skin, going around him and looking up and down at him. Silco pushed her away a bit for personal space "Enough." He gave this weird look at her. She didn't seem to care though, she leaned and grabbed her briefcase and placed it on the coffee table infront of the sofa, she placed her other belongings too. She opened the briefcase and inside was paint that was already prepared the day before and paintbrushes, she realized there was no water and left the room to get some. As she left, Silco went over to examine her works, he took the padpaper and flipped through the pages. It was sketches of people and the streets of the undercity. Silco looked at the corner of a page and it was a signature. "Arabella" it signed in an elegant cursive writing.

Arabella came back with a glass of water and placed it on the coffee table, she grabbed Silco's hand tightly, "What are you doing?—" She started leading him to the sofa, "Hey!" She pushed him down making him sit on the sofa. Arabella then sat on the ground infront of the coffee table and reached for her materials. After she got what she needed she started sketching, she kept looking at Silco and back to the paper. She was drawing him, Silco thought to himself on how to make her go away.

A few minutes pass by, Silco was getting a bit uncomfortable and moved a slight when she wasnt looking. Arabella looked back up and she looked irritated, she got up and went near him. She grabbed his arm trying to fix his position earlier, she then held his hand trying to figure out the position he was in earlier. A person barged in the room, it was Sevika. "Sir, the girl everyone was t— is here..." Sevika stared at Arabella looking at Silco's hand. Silco realized and pushed Arabella away, "Its not what you think it looks like." Arabella was on the floor again, but this time her eyes were on Sevika. She was interested in her body shape and that robotic arm of hers, Arabella immediately got up and started touching and analyzing Sevika. Sevika looked at Silco, in a "What the hell is this?" expression. He shrugged his shoulders, Arabella started caressing Sevika's cheeks. "Alright.. alright enough." Sevika grabbed both her arms and made her sit on the sofa. Silco sat on the other sofa that was infront of the one Arabella was sitting on, Sevika remained standing. "Who are you and why are you here?" A long silence was heard after she asked that.

Arabella finally opened up and spoke, "Arabella, Arabella Swans. I came down here to paint a landscape of the undercity but I had no reference. I could not see anything from above." Her voice was soft but not too soft that she couldnt be heard. Sevika and Silco didnt know how to respond, Arabella was tapping her hands on her lap waiting for a response.

"Well! I— i'll be coming back here often.. your city intrigues me a lot." She grabbed Silco's hand and shook it. Arabella grabbed all her belongings and left the room in a hurry, "Arabella Swans?" "Finest painter in Piltover." "I see."

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