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She sneaked behind a wall, watching the enforcers guarding the elevator. She held onto her briefcase and checked her watch, she looked as the watch read 4:20. The enforcers went to the side to take a break, they put their guns down on a nearby wooden table near the elevator. She double checked if they really went away and the coast was clear, she ran for it, she ran for the elevator. The enforcers heard the footsteps and immediately got their guns and rushed to the elevator but it was too late, she already got in. She closed the elevator door and watched as the enforcers were yelling at her to open the door, She tilted her head and waved at them as the elevator went down.

She hummed waiting to arrive at the destination, she looked at her watch, she hummed as her watch ticked. As she looked back infront of her, there was this big view of the undercity. It was fascinating, she put her hand on the glass window and admired the view as the elevator continued to go down. As she still had some time left, she quickly layed the briefcase on the ground and opened it. She took a pencil and a pad of parchment paper, but as she was closing her briefcase, she heard the elevator doors open. She turned around and saw, she arrived. Some people looked at her, wondering why the hell she was here.

She quickly got her things and stepped out of the elevator, she walked through the streets of the undercity, it was crowded since at this time people go out and try to find things they need. A lot of people noticed her that it got to the point that they went out of her way to let her walk. She didn't notice since she was sketching on how the undercity looked like, but she eventually looked infront of her. Everyone was staring at her, maybe it was because of how she was dressed. She was neat and wore a pair of white gloves while the people's clothes looked either ragged or dirty. She didn't mind and just continued sketching, she was going to random places just to sketch.

The bustling streets turned quiet, some whispers could be heard here and there but it was mostly her boots making noises when she walked. She bugged some random people, looking at them intensely and sketching them aftwards. She stumbled into a club, it was very loud and people were dancing and partying. Its better than being judged atleast, she found an empty chair and table and decided to sit there and finish sketching her previous works.


Sevika entered Silco's office, a drink held in her hand and she sat on the couch ticked off. "She fired on us." "There are always mishaps in battle." Silco replied looking at a document. "The Firelights were her target and most are dead." Silco replied again, Sevika took another sip from the drink she was holding. "It wasnt a mishap, she froze and lost her shit! I couldve handled those brats, shes a problem and we all know it." She took another sip. "We?" He turned around, "Whos we?" She looked away in embarrassment. "I expect better from you than excuses, it was your job for things to go smootnly, you failed and don't disappoint me again." She layed back on the sofa, "By the way theres this chick, she came here from Piltover. Shes not wearing a mask either, Undercity is gonna eat her alive." Sevika chuckles as she says that. "Who?" "Nobody knows." She stood up and went up to the door. "Keep an eye on her, will you? Dont want anyone causing anymore trouble, do we?" He taunted her and Sevika agreed and left his office.

As Sevika left, someone knocked on Silco's door. They opened and the door and Silco replied, "Im busy." With his chair turned around. "You may want to make yourself busy now." Silco sighed and turned around, it was the girl who Sevika was talking about. He could tell from her clothing, the man was holding onto her arm while she was holding a briefcase and her padpaper. "Let go of her." He ordered, the man threw her to the ground. She landed face first and most of her things scattered on the floor. Silco got out of his seat and looked at the girl, "Leave." He ordered the man. The man left the room, she reached for her pad paper but Silco stepped on it. She looked up and they both made eye contact, "Who are you?"

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