Stiles has not spoken to Scott since the whole handing him over to be a murder machine then get murdered thing. He's seen the alpha around town and said alpha has tried many, many times to talk to the human. But Stiles ignores him every time. He's not sure if he can ever forgive him. Not after that stunt he pulled. How could he trust him again after that?


That brings them to where they are now. They - Scott and Derek that is - are meeting a pack that's going to be staying in town for a couple of days before they go on their merry way.

"This is a serious meeting, okay?" Scott says as he's waiting with Derek at the loft. "That means we need to act professional as possible in front of this other pack. Derek, did you talk to Stiles?"

He nods "I did."

"And you told him to play it cool as long as this pack is here? No challenges, no sarcasm, no.. Stiles-isms?"

"I did."

"And what did he say?"

Derek sighs deeply "he said he's not interested in being polite where it's not necessary and he's definitely not interested in being heterosexual."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means, Scotty, that I will be my normal, charming, asshole-ish self." Says Stiles as he makes his way down the spiral staircase.

"What is he doing here?" Scott hisses. "The alpha only wanted to meet with you and me tonight."

Stiles scoffs "you didn't really think I was letting him come alone did you?"

Before Scott could answer, the loft door slid open slowly. A tall, built man with chocolate brown hair and piercing green eyes stood on the opposite side. "Alpha Hale, Alpha McCall, thank you both for meeting with me on such short notice." He says as he entered the loft, flashing his blood red eyes.

Derek and Scott flashed theirs back on instinct.

This man looks scary, Stiles wonders if it's too late to run back up stairs.

"Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but, I thought we agreed on weres only tonight."

"Oh, don't worry." Stiles says in a cheery tone. "I'm his emotional support human." He thumbs over his shoulder to his alpha.

Scott groans and Derek looks murderous.

"If you don't be quiet I'll throw you out the window myself." Derek whispers to Stiles with a low growl coming from his chest. He's definitely on edge with a new pack in his territory. "What are you doing?"

Stiles walks over to the big window and looks down, "checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it."

"I see being kidnapped and tortured hasn't affected your humor." He said as he glared at the human. His human.

"Never." He replies with a smirk creeping across his face..

"What the hell are you two doing?" Scott demanded. "You're wasting his time." He waves a hand to the new alpha in town.

"That's quite alright, Alpha McCall. They're still in their honeymoon phase. I understand." He steps forward and holds out his right hand. "I'm alpha Elijah James. It's so nice to meet you both."

"Like wise." Derek says as he shakes Elijah's firm handshake. Then Scott's hand.

"And you are?" Elijah asks the human.

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