Chapter Thirty-Five

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Get ready for some cute flashback moments of the pack. 🥰


"Now, why don't you tell us what you've been up to hmm?" Asks Peter. Sitting right in his space. Electric blue eyes shining bright in the dim lit room.


"Question one." Says Dean as he rounds the couch to sit on the coffee table closest to Scott. "Where is Stiles?"

Derek thinks he made the correct choice with the heavy duty furniture.

"Stiles? What are you talking about?" Scott asked seeming genuinely confused.

Dean doesn't by this confused thing the wolf has going on for a second.

"He's missing. And I'm betting good money you know where he is." Peter said from his spot on the stair case.

He always sits facing all entries and exists. After all this time he's still paranoid after the whole Kate Argent burning his whole family alive thing. Sue him.

"Missing? For how long!?"

"Cut the innocent act, Scott." Der growled from behind the true alpha.

"Who took him, Scott?" Sam asked as he sits beside his brother on the coffee table. "This doesn't have to get ugly, okay? Just tell us. Please." He nods with pleading big green puppy dog eyes

"Why do you think I would know? We should be out there looking for him!"

"That's what my pack is doing right now." Derek spits. Getting more and more pissed by the passing second.

"Then answer me this." Chris says as he walked and stood behind the Winchester's, arms crossed over his chest. "Why did you steal my phone?"

"I- I didn't."

"He's lying." Castiel stated angrily. He's sitting in the chair the alpha usually takes up residence in.

"Okay, seriously, who the hell is he?" Scott asked annoyed.

"I'm an angel of the lord."

Scott only looked more annoyed now.

"His name is Castiel. And he is an angel." Says Sam.

"How do you think he teleported you here?" Dean adds.

"Now that the introductions are out of the way." Peter says getting them all back on track. "Where is Stiles?"

"I honestly don't know! Listen to my heartbeat. I'm not lying!" Scott urged.

"Then why take Argent's phone" Sam asked confused. "What did you need it for?"


Stiles' scream of agony finally breaks as the electrocution stops. Body aching and burning, he slumps forward against his restraints and gasps for breath. He doesn't even have the strength to shudder as Gerard grabs his chin to make him look straight into his eyes and whispers, "This doesn't have to continue. You know how to make this stop. Just give me what I want."

Stiles muster up the strength to give him a smirk as to say I'm-not-giving-you-shit.

"Turn up the dial." Gerard barked out to his goon.

"Rick was it? You don't have to do thi-" Stiles was cut off as soon as the man turn the dial, electrocuting Stiles once again.

Stiles found it easy to take this pain by remembering and reminiscing the good and happy times he's had with the pack. His pack.

Like the time he accidently admitted having a crush on the alpha for the very first time.

"I do not have a crush!" Isaac pleaded and insisted that they dropped this. Well, Stiles at least.

"You kind of do." Boyd pointed out un helpfully for Isaac's sake.

"You know I had a crush on a guy and didn't really know how to handle it. He was my bi-awakening now that I'm thinking about it. Anyway, I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled his car with heart shaped confetti."

Scott, Derek, and Isaac all looked like that was kind of boring. And why of all things confetti? That stuff takes forever to get out of a car, or any space really.

Lydia has a look on her face that says well done, but also has a look that she knows whose car he did that to. Allison is wearing her I'm-so-done face. Which rude.

"Wait." Derek crossed his arms and rose both eyebrows. "That was you?"

"Uhm- wha-no. Of course not, gotta go!" Stiles never ran so fast in his life. Not even when a big bad was chasing him. He didn't think Derek would remember that happening to him.

"You can't run forever!" Allison shouted amused. "He knows where you live!"


"Show me your eyes." Gerard growled as the electrocution stopped once again.

Stiles slumped forward, getting his breathing back under control. "Go fuck yourself." He said with so much venom Gerard was taken aback for a few seconds.

"This might just kill you if you don't help yourself soon." Warns Gerard.

And, well, Stiles knows Gerard doesn't care about his well being. He doesn't even know how his eyes work because he's tried to get them to turn black, but he doesn't know how to control them. "Let's get on with it then."

He thinks about the time when the pack got Derek to go to prom because no one wanted him to be home alone all night being bored out of his mind. Also, Lydia and Peter planned to get Derek there so Stiles could dance with him. Stiles wasn't holding his breath though. They don't call Derek "the grump" for nothing. Well, okay, only Stiles calls him that, but whatever, details.

"Derek, please just go to prom." Lydia pleads. She's getting aggravated she's not getting her way. Lydia always gets what she wants.

"There's going to be alcohol. I'm going." Peter adds. "And someone has to keep an eye on the hooligans."

"Stiles is going to get drunk and end up stripping at some point." Erica tells her alpha.

"Yeah, you're probably going to need to help keep his clothes on." Peter smirked with laughter in his voice.

Stiles pouted. "Well since Derek won't take them off someone has to."

Stiles has given up the fight with himself and flirts with Derek as much as possible. Derek doesn't seem to mind. He usually snarks back, his cheeks and ears turn pink/red most of the time as well and Stiles finds that absolutely adorable.

Derek pointed at the human. "You shut up. I'm going."

Erica and Lydia laughed gleefully.


"Lets go." Gerard ordered his goon. "Leave him for the night."

"What? No goodnight kiss?" Stiles spat as he tried to suck in as much air as he could.

That earned him a backhand to the face.

Worth it. Totally worth it.


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