Chapter Forty

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Pushing through my depression to finish this book for you guys 💕


"Not to interrupt." Deaton says as he stands. "But I think it's wise Derek tells all of you what we discussed in the library. If you have any questions, you know where to find me." And with that the vet left.


"What is he talking about?" Isaac is the one to ask.

"Firstly, we know why your eyes have been changing to black." Peter tells the boy.

"Is the Nogitsune—"

"No." Peter stops that train of thought. "No, he's not back."

Stiles lets out a grateful breath and nods.

"It's because you're growing into your power; you're letting it in. After the Nogitsune there was a 50/50 chance you'd accept it again."

"Also." Lyds takes over. "When you are matted your eyes will no longer change black. They will either turn red or gold."

"And if Derek doesn't mate.." Peter says looking at his nephew.

Stiles waited all of two minutes before asking, "What? What happens if you don't mate?"

"I'll become feral."

"Feral as in like Peter post fire?" Stiles questioned to be crystal clear. "How Boyd and Cora were after being locked away from the full moon for months?"

Derek nods, "yeah. I'll want to kill anyone and anything with an heartbeat. I'll be stuck in my wolf form until there's none of my humanity left. The only way to help would be to kill me."

"Well that's not happening." Stiles says firmly. "When can we mate?"

"Stiles I- I don't want you doing this out of pity."

"When have I ever pitied you, Derek Hale? I'm not doing this out of pity. I promise you."

Derek listened closely to the humans heart and nodded, not hearing any sighs of a lie. "At least think about it for awhile, okay? There's no going back, us werewolves mate for life."

"Whatever makes you feel better big guy. But I'm not changing my mind."


Three months later and the Hale pack is doing good, great even. There's been no life threatening issues since the death of Gerard.

Stiles still has nightmares about what he had done. That he's back in that basement, that he had killed Gerard. He has never seen Argent afraid of anything or anyone. Stiles got so angry, he kept threatening Derek, his pack, his family.

His eyes shifted to black, his magic helped him break the restraints on his wrists and ankles, before he knew what was happening Gerard was chocking on his own blood and then he snapped his neck.

His goon Rick ran the hell away so fast after that. Anyway, the nightmares, they're less frequent, but they are still there from time to time. Derek helps him through the bad nights.

Speaking of Derek, he and Stiles had a very long heart to heart about Braeden, being mates, etc. They're on the same page about everything. Now they've been together for three months, six days, and eight hours, but, whose counting? Certainly not Stiles. No siree.

They are not matted just yet though. Derek wants to make sure Stiles knows what he's getting himself into. That's he's positive he wants this life forever. Not that Stiles would change his mind, he sets his sights on something he wants he gets it.

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