Chapter Forty-Two

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If there's any typos please lmk. I was up late finishing this chapter 😅

Everything was going great, until it wasn't. It's been six months of peacefulness and bliss in Beacon Hills. Six freaking months. Stiles knew the other shoe would drop, but he was hoping and praying to whatever god was out there that the monsters and everything else that goes bump in the night stays away. Wishful thinking on his part really.

Now that the alpha isn't currently in town many people, well, actually creatures has been "passing through." They really just want Stiles. They heard he has magic and is very powerful. They want it all for themselves. i.e. they want him.

For instance a clan of vampires came through their town yesterday. They wanted Stiles to make them into day walkers. Since he is all powerful as everyone keeps saying, then he should have no problem doing what they have asked easily. Stiles of course refused. He didn't know these vampires.

And walking in the daylight meant even more innocent people being sucked dry of their blood and killed. He doesn't need that on his conscious along with all the blood on his hands already, thank you very much. The vampires got pissy but left town with their lives.

Now, today, the problem is Stiles might of have started a teeny tiny war.

Well a very big war if you were asking Derek and Peter. But they're always so overdramatic so what do they really know?

A single fairy has came knocking on the Hale house door today. Literally. She strolled up the steps in her way too high heels and is knocking impatiently. It's getting annoying. Clearly ignoring her isn't going to work.

"What?" Stiles angrily swung the door open.

"Oh, my. Where are your manners?" The lady asks.

"My manners are longer home, they left about five minutes after of the insisted knocking." Stiles bit back. "Again, what do you want?"

"I'm looking for Stiles. Stiles Stilisnki." She informs him sweetly.

"I'm sorry Miss?"

"My name is Alexandra. But my friends call me Alex."

"Right, well Alexandra you just missed him what a shame. Come back never." Stiles was about to close the door, that was until the women puts a strong hand on it stopping it inches from closing.

"Since we are certainly skipping all of the pleasantries, I know you are Stiles. I sensed your magic as soon as I crossed the border."

Stiles sighed deeply. He's so done with this shit.

Peter came up behind the boy and flashed his blue eyes. "What can we do for you, fairy?"

"I'm just here to collect the spark then I'll be on my way." She says with a smile. Not taking her eyes off Stiles for even a moment.

And wow, okay, creepy much. Geez. "I'm not some prize to be collected."

"What's going on?" Isaac asks coming up behind uncle McCreeper pants and looking over his shoulder. "Who is she?"

"Nothing, were taking care of it." Peter reinsures the beta.

"Isaac, please go tell Jackson and Erica that if they blow up this house with those fireworks I will get rid of them." Stiles says as calmy as possible. He doesn't need everyone freaking out that this fairy is ballsy enough to walk right up to their front door.

Said curly head boy nods and yells "mom said if you blow up the house he's going to put you both up for adoption."

Stiles shock his head with a smile. That's not exactly what he meant but it'll work.

Peter chuckles fondly from behind him.

The fairy - Alexandra - cleared her throat. Clearly annoyed that she's being ignored.

"Oh, you're still here." Stiles stated in an bored manner. "If you do not get your fairy winged ass off my property I will blast you to where ever the hell you came from."

"Watch your mouth, kid." She uttered angrily. "You are one sentence away from starting a war."

"I love how I am just a kid when you creatures get butthurt." Stiles disclosed. "I guess a war it shall be." He lifts his right hand and flings the fairy all the way to the tree line. Her back hit a tree hard, whoops.

Alexandra stood and dusted off her slacks. Dramatic much? She looked murderous, smirked darkly then disappeared.

"Shit that can't be good." Stiles whispers mostly to himself.

"I'll call Derek." Peter informs him with an bone deep sigh.


Twenty minutes later Derek and Theo came barreling through the door.

"How did you get here so fast?" Jackson asked.

"We were already on our way back." Theo is the one who answers as he went over and sat beside his boyfriend. Wrapping his arms around him and kissing his forehead.

"So, it only took two days for you start a war with a clan of vampires and a bunch of fairies. Please, tell me your secrets." Derek deadpanned.

"Hey! It's not my fault no one listens to me when I say "no" and "I'm very much not interested being your magic bitch." Seriously, you'd think they would take the hint." He pauses then adds "and it was one single fairy by the way."

Derek shock his head "fairies tend travel together as one big group. There's more, you just didn't see them. Please tell me it wasn't the queen."

"Oops." Stiles tries to fray innocence, looking out from under his eyelashes.

"You're going to be the death of me, you know that?." Derek says fondly. Wrapping him in a tight hug, kissing his temple when he pulled back.

Stiles sighed contently and wrapped his arms around his mates waist. "I'm sorry, really I am. I'm just tired of people trying to keep me as some sick twisted prize."

Derek nodded in understanding. He doesn't blame Stiles for pissing off this fairy. He'd probably had ripped her throat out with his teeth if he was here when she showed her face. "If she comes back we'll take care of it somehow. No matter how that somehow is."

"Thanks big guy."

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𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚂 🪢 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora