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Natsuki paused, as the guy walked away. She cursed under her breath, as Gary and Chase walked over.

"What was that about?" Gary hissed, slamming his hand down on the table.

"Well-I-" Natsuki stuttered.

Suddenly all lights turned off, and then turned directly towards the stage.

Natsuki sighed in relief. "Thank goodness..."

"Gals, boys, and non-binary pals! We would like to introduce..." A familiar voice shrieked from a microphone.

Another person leaped onto the stage. "The new member of..."

The curtains opened, and the gang's mouths dropped.

"The new member of Team Rocket!" Jenna strutted out onto the stage, in a Team Rocker uniform. There was an arrogant gleam in her eyes.


She caught a glance of the others, and scowled. "Of course..."

She hopped off the stage, as smoke consumed the audience. "Well, try getting me without your Pokémon!"

The fog cleared, and the gang quickly stopped coughing. They looked around frantically.

"Where's our Pokémon!?"

To be continued...

Never In A Million YearsWhere stories live. Discover now