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7 Years Later

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7 Years Later


"Just keep going Madeline. Breathe in and out."

"Where the fuck is Elijah! Where is he!"

"He's on his way lovey, just listen to the nurse."

Four kids later. And now Elijah has me pushing out another TWO. At the same TIME. And he's not even here.

I squeeze Delilah's hand tighter. I feel bad because I'm probably causing nails marks but I need something to hold on to. I've been in labor for a hour and the three nurses + two obstetrician can't deliver my babies.

I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"The first one is almost out Madeline keep going." I scream. This has to be the loudest I ever screamed. After already delivering four babies I thought this would be easy. But I was wrong. So wrong. This has to be the most painful birth ever.

"One more push."

"AHH." Mid screaming Elijah barges into the door. He's still in his work clothes and there's sweat coating his forehead.

"I'm her- AHH!" Elijah screams and covers his eyes. He should be used to this shit by now. It's his fault.

"Finally. You bitch- Oh my god." I look down and can see my babies hair popping out. I'm never doing this again. I'm sweating like crazy, my breathing is harsh, there's blood everywhere.

Elijah takes the wet rag from one of the nurses and starts to dab it on my head to even out my temperature. I'm burning up.

"One more push."


"I love you baby, your doing good." By now I'm crying. This is agonizing excruciating pain.

"Shut up Elijah." My eyes shoot open when I hear crying. My baby is born. The nurse is holding my baby in a blanket to wipe off the blood.

"Congratulations Madeline and Elijah your baby boy is here." Delilah smiles, the nurses smile, the two obstetrician smiles, Elijah smiles, I smile. But it completely falls when I feel another pain hit me in the stomach.

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