Chapter 6: Hunting + Arrive to Camp WWP

Start from the beginning

The blonde cried too, wiping his tears against the sleeve of his uniform.

Izuku: I assure you, I am fine. What happened was not ideal but it did not affect me.

Of course, nothing emotional or physical anyway but he does see that man's corpse when he closes his eyes at times.

Sero: Are you sure? Y'know we're friends Izuku, you can be honest with us.

Jiro: That's right. You know we're here for you but, if you're sure...

Izuku: I am. I do want to inquire about what your internships were like.

Izuku suggests, the group slowly calming down their nerves and emotions, soon Mina and Denki back to their cheery selves once more.

As they talked, Izuku felt eyes on him from somewhere in the cafeteria. He deduced it was just Izumi and Katsuki somewhere, brooding as usual. They had become quite a nuisance after the break in, being overly pushy about details while also spouting nonsense about 'if you had a different quirk'.

They truly think that due to him not having a physical quirk, he'd be helpless. They had not changed one bit over the course of a year. They still didn't know anything about just how dangerous Izuku was or the potential he has.

That was fine however, as Izuku had nothing to prove to anyone, only himself. In his mind, he deemed it illogical to seek approval from those that simply do not understand.


Eri: I wanna go too!

Eri shouts, beaming as she jumps a little in place. Another issue for Izuku - how on earth could he say no to Eri when she looked so hopeful. He looked over to Inko, seeking guidance.

Inko just exploded into giggles, seeing her son's emotionless face, the same as ever, but the clear panic and 'help me' so visible on it.

Inko: It's ok Izuku. I called Nezu and was told she can come with you. I have everything already packed up for the both of you.

Izuku nodded and walked over to his mother before hugging her. Of course, the movement and body language was slightly rigid, his arms a bit stiff but Inko hugged him back all the same, eyes immediately tearing up. She was usually the one who initiates the hugs with Izuku.

Izuku: Thank you, Mother. I will take care of Eri while we are away.

Inko nodded as she stepped back from the hug and places her hands ok Izuku's face, staring at him.

Inko: I know you will, Izuku. Just please remember to take care of yourself too.


The day of the trip, Izuku was on the bus sitting beside Aizawa, the hero in his signature sleeping bag again while dozing stoically. The chatter on the bus was kept a respectable volume but the topic at hand was of Eri and her little pink dufflebag that had all her clothes and essentials for the camping trip.

Before getting on the bus, the majority of 1-A girls tried to swarm the child and tried to get her to sit by them, however they all flunked out of luck when she immediately chose to sat beside Izuku - much to the dislike of Izumi.

While she disliked how close and fond Izuku was of the girl, she couldn't hate Eri. While she felt as if she was replaced, she knew it was her own fault for it happening due to her own idiocy. She sighed depressingly while Bakugou looked at her, a scowl on his face yet remorse hidden behind the anger in his eyes.

The bus slowly came to a halt, stopping by some railing on the side of the road. Aizawa climbed out of his sleeping bag and turned to face the students.

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