"Thanks! And I promise!" Yoongi said confidently. He patted the rabbit's head softly as if to tell it that he is now officially his owner.

"That rabbit was lucky for not getting eaten by the wolf." Yoongi didn't notice his father sitting in the far side corner beside the window, reading a newspaper while sipping on his mug of coffee, until he spoke.

"Wolf? I thought wolves only live at the top of the hill," said Yoongi. His face puckered in confusion.

"No, bud, wolves don't stay on the hill," replied his father without looking at him.

Yoongi didn't feel fear before when he was strolling the woods, alone. But hearing now that wolves could be in that woods, hunting for prey—now Yoongi felt fear.

"So you mean that if I happened to meet a wolf in the woods earlier, I could get eaten by them?" Yoongi asked.

His father finally moved his eyes away from the newspaper he was reading to him. He raised the mug of coffee he was drinking as though making a toss. "Absolutely."

Yoongi gazed at him with a wide-eyed look and an astounded gasp emitted from his throat. "Why didn't you tell me about it?" He asked in a whiny tone and it comes out almost childish.

"I told you about the bears and wolves in the woods, but it seemed like you're not listening to me at all," replied his father, gulping the last drop of his brown coffee. Yoongi was quieted as a ping of embarrassment pinched him by the stomach.

"I am going to my room now," he muttered and scurried up the stairs.

That night, Yoongi and his parents had dinner. They talk about where he was going to attend this semester and agreed to enroll him in the nearest school in town. His mother also told him to remind her tomorrow to buy his school supplies. With the long conversation they had at the dining table, all Min Yoongi did was to nod his head. Not because he doesn't know what to reply but because it was the only thing he knew to do at the moment.

They had chicken, Tteokbokki, and Jjajangmyeon. Yoongi always had the same dishes in Korea. It was the only dishes his mother knew to cook and Yoongi could scarcely chew the food in his mouth so he only ate as little as he could that night. Feeling disgusted at the dry flavor.

After that, he went to his room and climbed on his bed, and opened his laptop. Yoongi waited for it to load and the red text appeared on his screen, stating a connection problem. 

"MOM!" He called for his mother and after a minute he could guess, the door opened and Mrs. Min emerged from it.

"My laptop won't load—"

"Oh, there is no internet in this part of town, dear. Phones don't work here," she said. Yoongi's face dropped in disappointment. He could think of nothing worse than living his whole life without wifi. He's now not just living in a country far from his friends but he can never get to talk to them too anymore. Yoongi doesn't think he could survive it. No phone alone is as painful as the wolf's bite.

"Then what only works here?"

"Oh, you can listen to the radio. Do you want me to bring it here?"

Yoongi grumbled under his breath and shook his head. This place is old as the government's mind. No wonder it smelt of dust and mustiness.

"Then what should I do here?" Yoongi cried helplessly like the weak voice of the caged bird. He buried his face in the bedsheet, trying his best not to cry. The annoyance and frustration tightened in his chest like a lightened bomb embedded inside him, threatening to explode at any moment.

"Read your books or draw something. Whatever you wish, dear."

"I wish to go home," Yoongi whispered, voice as dry as dust and choked with emotion. His mother could tell by his voice that he was trying hard not to cry. She felt sorry for her son—however, she couldn't muster the guts to tell him the truth; the truth is they had nothing to come back there. The house was sold and all that was left to them was this house.

"This is home, dear." Yoongi heard the door close slowly with a grating creak and it clunked and blotted the sound of his mother's footsteps outside the hall.

And for once, he felt the deadly sting of the venomous bile of rose nibbling on his throat. The searing pain caused his eyes to burn. He tried to hold onto the wistful tears but they are as stubborn as the rain from the heavy clouds. It trailed down his chubby cheeks and Yoongi stifled a sob.

He cries for a full hour until his eyes hurt and the tears get tired of running as well as the wishful thoughts galloping in his head.

Yoongi lie on his bed and mused at the wall that seemed to form silly shapes of a bear, wolf, chicken, and even a giraffe. His eyes were red and puffy, and they looked tired. But Yoongi doesn't feel tired at all, not even sleepy unlike how he usually do before.

His gaze slinked to the cage in the corner of his room and he saw the rabbit. It only sat there, guileless. But even though rabbits don't have emotions on their face, unlike people do, Yoongi could feel the sadness and loneliness the rabbit was feeling. Like him, the rabbit was away from his friends too. It felt completely lost.

Yoongi knew what it felt to be lonely. It was like walking in a deserted street in the middle of the night and it was raining. And even the moon and stars are not there to keep you company—and not even your shadow is showing up for you, nor the wind and the fallen leaves. Yoongi knew it all too well.

...because he was the rabbit. And the rabbit was him.

Yoongi jumped off his bed and decided to find something to keep himself busy. He found a book laying on his work table and picked it up. He opened the page where he left it out and goes to the window and opened it. Yoongi wasn't really the type of person whose fond of books, he barely even understand a thing in the novel he was reading. He understands the words written on them, but not the lesson it was trying to convey. He couldn't imagine the scenes happening on the white sheet but goes on anyway.

He took a deep breath in and flipped the page when suddenly—he caught something glistening in the wood. "Huh?" Yoongi looks up from the text he was reading onto the glimmering in the shadow. Yoongi's eyebrows knitted as dazzlement set on his cold countenance.

There, in the darkness stared at him, a pair of glowing yellow eyes, unsettling and not backing down.

Yoongi wondered what could it have been. It looked like a dog but it was something bigger than a dog, and it was definitely not a bear also; It was smaller than a bear. Yoongi decided it could just be fireflies shining as they always do in the darkness. Slowly, the sparkling yellow light vanished into the murky blackness.

Yoongi shook his head and closed the window. He put the book back on the table and climbed on his bed, tuck himself in, and fell asleep with barely enough time to reflect, as he did so, on what that gleaming thing could be in the darkness and why it seemed to stare at him very still.

The next update will be on next Saturday since I haven't done writing the chapter yet, and I still have to study for our group performance in CSS(Computer System Servicing) on Monday. Please bear with me, luvvies🙏🙏

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