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CLAWD - your wedding was an absolute mess. A wholesome mess but still a mess, his little brothers were constantly trying to get at the cake his sisters were trying to calm the parents and fussing over him, draculaura was constantly trying to fix you hair as it was coming out of place and your dad and clawd's parents were bawling their eyes out, all in all it was an amazing wedding and it was truly memorable

DEUCE - you and him eloped since you don't have any family and he doesn't really like his mom so you had a small ceremony in a garden and after you changed your dress and had some fun running around and picking flowers and dancing in the moonlight

GIL - you had a beachside wedding and your entire community came to support you and surprisingly his family also showed up which surprised everyone but you just shook it off and got married to him, after you got married your community asked if he and his family would take part in a tradition of your community and they all agreed, it was a tradition where the family of the bride and groom collect a shell that they think is the most beautiful and give it to the corresponding member of the family so
Bride <—>Groom
Mum of Bride<—>Mum of Groom
Dad of Bride<—>Dad of Groom
It helped your family's get closer and gils to see how much you cared for each other

HEATH - you had quite a normal wedding but your mum did cry a lot and heath's family did have to try and calm her down as well as Heath trying not to burn down the venue with his nerves but all in all it was quite normal

JACKSON / HOLT - you had two different weddings one for Jackson and one for holt and it was very dramatic because your parents tried to stop the wedding and you just kinda shoved them out of the reception and continued to get married to the loves of your life which made everyone chuckle afterwards

NEIGHTHAN - it was very tense because you were trying not to be a bridezilla because the staff were messing everything up and you had to do everything yourself, neighthan was trying his best not to trip over your dress or knock over any of the decorations but it was very nice and ended up stress free when your brother and sister started to help and his mom

PORTER -it was very nice and funny, you did so many games and just overall had a fun and exciting wedding where everyone had fun and a good time with moments of calm just for your sanity

PHARAOH - sometimes when it's just you and him you forget that he's really rich so when you had a really expensive and fancy wedding it kinda just left you in disbelief and awe so you kinda spaced out during the wedding and when you reached the altar you just started crying and he had to comfort you, also after the ceremony your brother came up to you and apologised for everything he had done and wanted to start over again. You decide what happened.

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