They comfort you

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CLAWD - it was after the paint incident, he went round your house and watched movies while cuddling and bringing your favourite foods until you both fell asleep which your dad found extremely cute but he tried to keep to himself as much as possible

DEUCE - you were in one of your sad moods so he started to cuddle you and even his snakes started to kiss you and if your at your home your turtle will come up and cuddle to your feet before you pick him up

GIL - it was the first and only time he saw you properly sad, you were missing your home and parents so he just pulled you into a hug and stayed with you giving you kisses and cuddles throughout the day

HEATH - when your sad he'll start to tickle you and make you laugh until you all but forget what you were sad about in the beginning which he's very happy works

JACKSON / HOLT - with Jackson he'll sit down with you and listen to your problems and try and help give you advice on how to resolve them but with holt he'll listen to some music with you that you picked and just relax in a quiet spot trying to keep his very boisterous personality a bit calmer for you

NEIGHTHAN - he's never seen you cry but he can tell when your sad but he know it'll make you feel worse if he brings it up so he'll just be more affectionate towards you for the rest of the day and give you hugs when your alone and little forehead and cheek kisses

PORTER - it was after you had just had a really bad day and he just made the wrong joke which caused you to snap at him and just start crying your eyes out, when you were done screaming at him he just engulfed you in a hug and said he was sorry and he should of checked on you first and you said you shouldn't have screamed at him

PHARAOH - you were missing your brother and so pharaoh took you out for a day just doing things like going to the park, going shopping or going to a restaurant but just stuff that you might enjoy to get your mind off your brother which really helped you

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