Having a fight

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CLAWD : toralei didn't think that a werecat and werewolf should be together so she tricked you into thinking clawd had started to date draculaura again behind your back and she even had some old photos that she photoshopped the dates to be different
that she showed to you, but she also tricked clawd into thinking you started going out with manny behind his back so you both started to ignore each other and you ended up texted him and broke it off

DEUCE : some boy in the school came up to you and started to make inappropriate comments before he leaned into try and kiss you to which you freaked out but deuce saw this and took it the wrong way and he confronted you without really letting you explain because he was tired and angry ( which is no excuse but...story) so he then broke up with you in front of lots of people

GIL : he caved to his parents pressure about dating a shark girl and started to go out with a girl his parents chose without breaking up with you so when he came into school he just ignored you and went to another girl and kissed her (he also did this in front of everyone) which embarrassed the hell out of you when you came into school and he ignored you

HEATH : he accidentally really hurt you with his hair so he broke up with you claiming it was for your safety which you found absolutely stupid because your the one who reached out for his hair even though you knew it was hot but he still broke up with you saying it was for your own good

JACKSON / HOLT : what your parents said about him really got to him and holt so they both broke up with you thinking that you deserved to date someone better than them just like your parents wanted you to which you thought was stupid but left them alone to think about it

NEIGHTHAN : you had a fight about your attitude towards new people and people you don't know very well and you refused to tell him why you did that so it caused a lot of problems between you two so you two went on a break from each other just to cool down which was longer than you both thought

PORTER : he was getting on your nerves a lot lately because he was making too many jokes so you blew up at him and to,d him to just leave you alone so he got really upset with you because he didn't think it was that annoying and so he stopped talking to you so you never officially broke up but did stop talking to him

PHARAOH : he didn't come to see you for nearly two months and when you tried to get to him the bodyguards said you weren't welcome at his home at the moment so when you did see him again and he talked to you as if nothing happened you blew up at him for not saying anything to you and ran off before he could explain properly

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