A day without them

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CLAWD - toralei won't leave you alone all day telling you to break up with him and that you can do better than him, sometimes other people will give you dirty looks because they think your one of toralei's best friends but you always assure them that she's just annoying you

DEUCE - you'll mostly get dirty looks and whispers about you because everyone thinks you stole deuce from cleo and so they just stay away from you except for Venus because she actually really likes you and invites you to hang out with her for the day and asks if you want any plants for your cave or if she can see Spartacus

GIL - you spend the day with sirena seeing who could swim faster which meant that sirena's friends also came so you hang out with them and they all really like you since you can actually keep up with sirena and her unfocused nature by keeping her somewhat entertained or going along with it

HEATH - you mostly hang around outside so you can look at the sun but you mostly do your normal routine at school you also hang out with operetta but not if she goes into the catacombs since it's too dark for you that is unless she brings a torch then you'll follow her

JACKSON / HOLT - you text him almost all day long to the point you get your icoffin taken away and need to get it back at the end of the day and he tells you to calm down since they'll be back soon and you can talk to them when their back at school and you just start sending crying emojis with hearts

NEIGHTHAN - you hang out with his friend group all day and also text him but only when your out of school and can't get into trouble so you do have a good relationship with his friends as well especially Bonita since she helps you to manage your anger with her meditation

PORTER - you just relax because sometimes he can be a bit much and you love that about him but sometimes you need a break so you mostly just relax and text him funny jokes which he very much appreciates since he doesn't think you have a sense of humour sometimes

PHARAOH - you'll go to the music shop where you first got to know each other and either play the piano or sing for a little bit which the shopkeep always enjoys since they don't really enjoy it when the shops quiet but you can always cheer them up a little and they say how they miss you when you aren't there

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