Chapter 82: I alone am the Honored One

Start from the beginning

Saemon kept standing up through each hit he got from Izana which Takemichi was horrified seeing his childhood friend being wrecked.

"Saemon!!!" Lisa soon appeared and rushing where Saemon was before she was grabbed by Kakucho himself. "LISA!!!!" Naomi and Shizuka shouted as Rindo looked at the scene along with his brother who they finally wake up.

"Why you keep standing up? Why you keep laughing up? Do you find your soon dead to be funny?" Izana asked to Saemon who was laughing through the pain and blood coming from his face.

"Well..."Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord, your God goes with you; he will leave you nor forsake you"...Do you wanna know why I am laughing? Because I don't give a damn about entire life been one of hell heartarche...My sister passed Dad got overdose for trying to take his pain away...I got so depressed that I wanted to end my life...I been at my worst but yet, someone told me to stay strong and fight another day! You can't do anything to me since I have nothing to lose! You already sent your little f***ing hitman to put my sister into critical condition! So, I ain't afraid of you, Izana Kurokawa!!! Tell me this, did feel good when you saw Yuna-senpai in that position? Did you really feel good seeing her cover in blood?" Saemon soon said which Izana got extremely pissed by him.

"Shut your mouth" Izana kicked him again and again which Saemon kept laughing. Takemichi soon stood up and went to save Saemon but he was stopped when Kisaki have a gun and point at him.


"Back off, Hero. It's over. Your Unbeatable King won't last against Kurokawa.... Tenjiku will win against Toman!"-Kisaki

"That's bullshit! And you know it! You're all going to die by the Onizaki Clan, after all, you did put the granddaughter of Head into coma!" Lisa nearly shouted which all the members from Toman, Artemis and Dragon King were confused while the Tenjiku members started freaking out.

Izana stopped kicking Saemon who was exhausted of taking all those hits from Izana.

"Wait, what's Lisa talking about?"-Mitsuya

"About that...."-Shizuka

"She's right! We're going to die because this punk put White Demon into coma who turned out to be the granddaughter of Masamune Onizaki!! I don't wanna die!"

"I heard they killed twelve Yakuzas with a pencil! A f***ing pencil! They're the ones were send to kill the Boogyman and Sadako Yamamura!!!" Some of the members started panicking which the Toman Captains were shocked by that revelation and for the members of Toman, Dragon King, and Artemis only thought of this.

'Holy shit, that's means we have the upper hand' they thought.

"Enough! Don't listen to her! No matter what, Tenjiku won't fall down! I will make sure that never happens" Kisaki soon said which Takemichi ended up laughing at him that made him mad.

"You seriously think you can escape? You really such a egotistical bastard. No wonder why you wanted to kill Emma, you're a f***ing coward, Kisaki" Takemichi grinned which Kisaki shot him on his foot.

"TAKEMICHI-SAN/TAKEMITCHY!!!" Saemon and Chifuyu shouted which Takemichi nearly yelped in pain but he still stood up and still give his determined look.

"TOMAN WILL NEVER LOSE TO YOU! I WON'T LOSE TO YOU! EITHER OF THEM! I PROMISE I WILL KICK YOUR ASS! SO, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE MORE THAN THIS!!!" Takemichi shouted as he tried to punch Kisaki but he was blocked by Izana who appeared and kick Takemichi away.

Takemichi still stood up and throws a punch to air which Saemon soon noticed why which he chuckles before sitting down.

"You took long enough...Mikey-kun" Takemichi said with a smile which Kisaki was shocked before he soon fell down by the sudden appearance of Mikey along with Draken, Hina and Emma.

"MIKEY?!?!?!" Kisaki shouted which the captains were in relief and joy, seeing Mikey and Draken here.

Lisa smiles before she elbow hit Kakucho in the guts that he let her go as she run to Saemon and checking on him.

"Hey, are you okay?"-Lisa

"Yeah, I am fine, I will just need lot of cold water and cold for a week. Besides, I hope all the kicks I took from Kurokawa might exhausted him...I did pull up a good fight"-Saemon

"Yeah, you did. We still have a f***er to beat with" Lisa soon said which Saemon nodded as looking at Kisaki.

"Takemichi-kun, I'm sorry...I told them"-Hina

"Well... that's okay...Hina" Takemichi weakly smile which Mikey hugged Takemichi that made him shocked.

"Takemitchy...Thank you for everything, I will not put Yun-Yun more pressure than she's already is" he soon said letting go of Takemichi that Baji came for him and took him where Hina was.

Izana smiles as the two face each other and giving a serious atmosphere.

"It took you long enough to come to me, Manjiro" Izana said which Mikey gave a serious expression.

"Above the Heavens and under the Heavens, I alone am Honored One"-Mikey

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