Chapter 8

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"Your daughter is losing a huge amount of blood, Mr. and Mrs. Evangelista. She needs blood, and she must obtain a blood transfusion. Find a blood donor who has the same blood type as her, or donate them yourself." The Doctor said.

The couple is determined about finding a donor with their daughter's blood type. They would be happy to donate blood to their daughter if they could. But sadly, their daughter's blood type does not match theirs.

Amelia was crying. Jordan tried to stay positive. "We will look for someone who has the same blood type as our daughter. Don't lose hope, Amelia, I'm sure we'll find one," Jordan said.

"I hope so," Amelia sobbed.

Hazel arrived at the hospital from the police station a few minutes later. She was still trembling with rage. When she arrived, the couple informed her of Skylar's situation, making her even angrier at Yoshida and worried for Skylar.

"Is there anything I can do to help? I'll help you find a blood donor. I cannot afford to lose my precious Niece." Hazel said, crying. "Aren't one of you have the same blood type as she is? Because you're the parents." She asked, clueless and knowing nothing about the truth.

After stopping to look up at Hazel and her husband stopping to cry. She is lost for words as to what to say to Hazel. She must choose between telling the truth and keeping her promise to the nun.

"I... uh..." Amelia doesn't know what to say.

"Excuse us for a while, Hazel," After saying that, Jordan took Amelia with him somewhere away from Hazel.

Amelia halted her steps as they approached the stairs. The surrounding area is in dim light. If it's not for the lights in the hallway, the area is completely dark and has no lighting at all.

"What? Are you going to tell Hazel the truth?" Jordan asked, becoming irritated. He doesn't want to tell Hazel the truth because he doesn't want to be apart from his daughter.

"Yes! It's for the best!" Amelia said. Although she knows Hazel will take Skylar away from them, she has no choice but, to tell the truth for her daughter to live.

"Are you serious? You know that when Hazel discovers the truth, she will undoubtedly take Skylar away from us." Jordan said, getting emotional.

"It doesn't matter! I just want my daughter to live. And if I tell Hazel the truth, she'll certainly donate her blood to Skylar because she's her daughter." Amelia sobbed. They had no idea Hazel had followed them and overheard their conversation from the start. She couldn't move when she found out Skylar was her daughter. She was completely taken aback.

Skylar is my... daughter? Hazel thought. I don't understand...

"You know we can find someone to donate blood, right? I'm sure others have the same blood type as our daughter. We'll find one tomorrow, just don't tell Hazel about the truth. I don't want our daughter to be taken away from us." Jordan desperately said.

"I understand how you feel right now, Jordan, but don't be selfish! We're talking about our daughter's life here. I know you want her to live, and Hazel can certainly help us!" Amelia shouted at her husband. "I dislike having Skylar taken away from us, but I'd want for her to live. So, please... Let's just tell Hazel the truth, Jordan, please." Amelia begged.

"I won't," Jordan selfishly said and left Amelia.

Amelia kept on crying until she heard Hazel's voice near where she is. She went to the spot where she had heard Hazel's voice and was shocked to see Hazel and her husband arguing.

Hazel yelled at Jordan, "Tell me the truth!" She questioned, "Is Skylar, my daughter?"

"No," Jordan replied, unwilling to tell Hazel the truth.

"Don't lie! I heard your conversation with Amelia. Please... Tell me the truth," Amelia begged Jordan, crying and almost kneeling for Jordan the reveal the truth.

"No, she's no—" Jordan wasn't able to finish what he was about to say because Amelia interrupted him.

"Yes," Amelia answered. "Skylar is your daughter."

"How? How is she my daughter?" Hazel asked as tears starts forming in her eyes.

Hazel burst out crying and fell to the ground. She couldn't believe what Amelia had just said to her. Is the girl I assumed was my niece my daughter?

Amelia explained everything to her. From the very beginning to the very end. She explained why and how Skylar is Hazel's daughter. She told her that the Nun had called up them to find and adopt Skylar. She also told her that the Nun requested them to keep Skylar's adoption a secret.

Jordan couldn't do anything; he wanted to be selfish, but he realized what her wife had said earlier was right. Hazel may be able to help their daughter to survive.

"I'll get my blood tested, and if our blood types match, I'll donate my blood to her," Hazel said with finality. She wants her daughter to live. Skylar deserves to live a happy life, and Hazel will do anything to make that happen.

Hazel had her blood tested, and her blood type matched Skylar's. She immediately donated blood to her daughter. She was hoping that her daughter would survive. Skylar has still not woken up after a week. Hazel, Amelia, and Jordan have spent the week waiting for Skylar to wake up while also processing the case they filed with Yoshida. Hazel also filed a suit against him.

She hopes that this time, she and her daughter will find justice.

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