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It was a sweet summer day, almost as if it was blessed by the winds.

The streets were bustling with people just going on with their lives like it was any other day.

But for some, it was the moment of truth, a matter between life and death, and one that would determine their fate.

Standing in front of the church was a woman pondering about something.

She had already made her choice but felt at odds with it. She thoroughly thought if it was the right thing to do- secretly giving away her child to a nun.

She hesitated and had contradictory feelings for a while but ultimately started to walk away.

'No,' she thought. If she wanted what was best for the child, this is the right thing to do.

Even if she wanted to raise the child herself, she couldn't.

She also couldn't stand the reason behind that child's existence. A very traumatizing one at that.

She cursed herself. She thought it was very selfish of her to think of it that way when the child had done nothing wrong. It was just a baby, after all.

But just once, she wanted to be selfish. After all, it isn't just for her, but for the baby, too.

So she kept going before she could change her mind again.

As tears rolled down her cheeks, only one thought kept going inside her mind.

"I'm sorry; I love you, my daughter, Hail," she whispered under her breath.

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