Chapter 3

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Because Hazel misses her parents, she has decided to call them.

"Hello? Who's this?" Hazel's mother, Hera, asked as she answered the phone. Hazel's eyes welled up with tears as soon as she heard her mother's voice. It comforted her so much just hearing it. She misses her mother and father and wishes to see them as soon as possible. She wants to feel the warmth of their embrace.

"Mom," Her voice trembled.

"Hazel?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, this is Hazel, your daughter," Hazel said and nodded even though her mother couldn't see her.

"Oh my! Hon!" Hera called his husband and confirmed that she was talking through a phone call with Hazel.

"Yes?" Edgar, Hazel's father, replied. She can hear him approaching his wife. When Hazel heard her father's voice, her tears began falling.

My mommy and daddy. I miss being a child.

"It's Hazel! Hazel's here on the phone. I'm going to cry. My daughter, I missed you so much." Her mother started crying.

"I missed you more, mom," Hazel replied.

"Hazel?" It's her father.


"Where have you been? You haven't contacted us in months! We were worried about you." Her father said, worrying.

"I apologize, Dad. I was just... busy. Yes, I was busy." Hazel replied, lying. "I'm sorry for not contacting you for these past few months. How are you two doing? I missed you both."

"We're doing great. We missed you as well." Her father replied. "How are things going for you, my dear daughter?" Edgar asked.

"Things have gone well for me, dad." Hazel lied again. Obviously, things are not going well for her. But she doesn't want to worry her parents, so she lies.

"Why did you call?" Her mother asked.

"Uh, because... uh..." Hazel is torn between telling her parents about what happened to her and that she's pregnant because she can't keep everything to herself. But she is afraid of what Mr. Yoshida will do if she tells anyone.

"I just wanted to check to see how you're doing. And I just wanted to let you know that I will be away from home for several months due to personal reasons. I want to take a break from everything, mom, dad. I hope you understand." Hazel did not lie. She truly wants and needs a break from everything. But she still hasn't told them the real reason why she will be away from home for several months.

"Why are you taking a break? What happened? Are you all right?" Her mother asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine! The last few months have been extremely stressful for me. After those stressful events, I feel like I deserve a break." Hazel replied.

"We will always be by your side, so don't be scared to call us if you need anything. Do things that make you happy and peaceful, and enjoy your break, Hazel." Hera said genuinely.

"I promise, mom. I greatly appreciate it. I love and appreciate you, Mom and Dad."

"We love you, Hazel," Both of her parents replied.

Hazel does not want to end the call, but she chooses to do so because she can cry anytime and does not want her parents to hear her sobs. So when she got off the phone, she fell to the ground and sobbed.

"Why is it so difficult to tell my parents about my problems? Why is it so hard to tell them the truth?" Hazel said and sobbed harder.

Hazel grew up not telling her parents about her problems because she doesn't want them to be concerned. She grew up solving her own problems. She also finds it difficult to tell her parents what she needs. So Hazel began saving money to buy what she wants and needs when she was a teenager.

And now that she is dealing with a problem that is seriously affecting her mental health, she can't tell her parents about it.

She was... raped. She got raped because of Mr. Yoshida. She can't do anything about it because she's afraid of what he can do to her family if she tells anyone what happened.

"Fuck you, Mr. Yoshida,"

She is carrying a child. She will do everything she can to keep Mr. Yoshida away from the child.

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