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Zane POV

I looked around my class and saw faces of panic and distress i looked over at Jay hes face was pale like a ghost, i looked over at Cole he had his earbuds in but still looked creeped out i kept looking and saw the teacher on the phone her reaction was mere terrified. I could tell it wasnt a joke or a drill 

Just then the teacher told us to go to the back wall just as we were taught to do the teacher locked the door 

All the faces went from scared to terrified as they realised this wasnt a drill it was the real deal, the teacher was told to lock the door if it wasnt a drill and well now we know its not

Just then we heard screaming someone was screaming like in pain or shock i couldnt tell but the next thing we hear is pounding on the doors, someone was banging on them not like a gentle  knock a pound that could break the door's luckily we were in science and the doors a metal so they wouldn't be able to break them.

I got my phone and text Kai and he asked me whats going on

Kai: dude whats going on dude?

Zane : I believe were in a lockdown

Kai: i know that im wondering why! 

Zane: someone was screaming like in pain so maybe a killer?

Kai: okay get int the group chat Nya, Morro, Lloyd are in my class

Zane: I will contact PIXAL and Skylor and let them know

Kai: alright see you there

Zane: okay

We enter the group chat and start asking things

Jay: were going to die!

Cole: i never had met someone who eats more cake then me

Skylor: really we're probably going to die and you think of is cake?!

Cole: well sooooorry!

Lloyd: ENOUGH 

All: sorry Lloyd

Lloyd: Look my dad said that a kid was going rouge and has brought a knife to school to hurt someone i dont know who but he yelled out in the hall "HIS HEAD WILL BE MINE AND SHE WILL BE MINE FOREVER!"

Kai: could that be?

PIXAL:you know the kid?

Kai: well he gives us dirty looks but gives Lloyd a look of he shall die but probably someone else

Morro: did he have black hair grey shirt black pants?

Kai: yeah why?

Morro: Not good, thats not good at all

Nya: you know him?

Morro: yeah or more like we know him

Nya: whos we?

Morro: me and Lloyd

Zane: who is he?

Morro: his name is shade and from what i know of his jealous of Lloyd for being rich, popular and special treatment, his been wanting to get rid of him but this is way to far for him though something must of made him snap

Nya: wait shade? Like shade Wilson? 

Morro: yeah why?

Nya: ugh i hate him he keeps trying to ask me out but i tell him im not interested 

Jay: cause your dating Lloyd?

Cole: shut up Jay please continue Nya

Nya: he told me since "Lloyd was out of the way maybe we could go out sometime" or something like that idk

Kai: that dam son of a- when i get my hands on him

Skylor: slow down tiger although i like you been angry it makes you cute


Skylor: that anger in his voice i can hear it already

Morro: anyways what do you mean Nya?

Nya: i think he thought that me and Lloyd were dating and when he suffered his 'incident' he thought that we broke up or some shit like that

Zane: language Nya

Nya: well when Lloyd came into school a few weeks ago i held his hand to show i wasnt interested in dating him

Lloyd: so thats why you held my hand you said it was cold!

Nya: sorry 

Lloyd: well i hear siren's i think they must be close no....

Kai: Lloyd?

All: LLOYD?!

*Lloyd has left the chat* 

Cole: this isnt good

Just then i heard a scream it sounded like 

All of them in their classes 



Nya meets Lloyd part 1 dark shadows (lloya ship)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora