"Yeah pumpkin, the last encounter was a disaster, I thought they would rip each other apart with their words…"Yoongi said, rubbing his own temple.

"If Jo was here, she would have whipped their sorry bums and made them apologize."

With their voices now loud, both Jin and Jimin got engrossed in talking about their respective brothers.

"Yeah, she was the only friend Tae ever made, you know? She was the only one who kind of handled his corny ass so well." Jin sighed.

"And she was the only one who could keep Jungkook sane when he would go into that circle full of fake and selfish people; who could get him out of the hellhole of self-blame and self-sabotaging."

"But he looks so composed, so calm…" Jin quested.

Jimin was quick to correct him though, "Oh that's on the outside hyung, inside he is full of insecurities and emptiness, ironically…" 

"Oh so he is not so different from my Taebear! He also might look all self obsessed and self-catering, but it's just a cover-up. On the inside he is the same scared kid, who was bullied and thrown away from place to place."

"They sound like a match made in heaven then…."

Both Jin and Jimin turned to look at the unfamiliar/familiar voice.

"Jazz…" Jimin breathed out, before getting out of his seat and engulfing the lady with sharp features and bob cut into a bear hug.

"Yeah, the one and only…." The said 'Jazz' deadpanned. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Switzerland, enjoying your hiatus." Jimin asked.

"Aah, you know Jimin-ah, I was enjoying it but then one fine day while sightseeing, I kind of bumped into a hot, dimpled, Korean doctor; who was there for a conference. And we just hit it off. After 3 months of mutual pining over texts, we decided to give it a shot. And I kind of missed home, missed dad. So here I am, in the flesh. And aah, Seokjin-ssi, pleasure meeting you, I am Park Jaesun, but people call me Jazz." She introduced. 

"Hyung, Jazz here is a well acclaimed screen-writer and also the daughter of the royal Knight, sir Minhyuk. She also was a very close friend of the princess." Jimin added, giving Jazz a comforting pat on her shoulder. 

Jin smiled gently, "And I guess, the hot, dimpled doctor she is talking about is Dr Kim Namjoon, am I right?" He asked.

"No wonder he had a crush on you for so many years. You are smart!" Jazz added wittily. 

Jin rolled his eyes before responding, 

"Of course he had! That also explains why you both clicked so instantly…"

Both of them had a hearty laugh. While the others waited. Jazz pulled a chair for herself and asked the staff to one more for her 'boyfriend', who was supposed to join her for the meal. 

"I am sorry for barging in, but I kind of have the idea about what's been happening. I have overheard the different angles of this story from dad and Joon. And just now I heard your angle as well. But more importantly, I know what Jo had in mind. I can put all these pieces together and suggest something, only if you don't mind, I mean you can trust me, I am part of the family too, right?" Jazz offered. And even before both the attorneys could interject about 'how it would not be a good idea to involve another person in the chaos'; both of theirs significant others answered unanimously,

"Yes, of course. "

"Why don't they Co-parent the child?", Jazz suggested. 

"Co-parent? How? The other royals won't allow this. They would think it's some political move to maintain the prince's line of succession." Yoongi pitched in.

"What do you mean hyung?" Hoseok peered.

"As you know, according to the succession law, right now the rulership could only go to the 'heir' of crowned princess Joana, if she doesn't have a child, prince Jungkook comes second in line. The media would jump on him saying he is trying to snatch away the heir's right or trying to foul play to indirectly be the next one to rule, claiming to be a Co-parent of a kid who is born mere out of egg donation, for which the princess has already written her claim off. And the second royal family won't let it slide if the notorious prince is suddenly raising his sister's child with a complete stranger. They would file for a 'no confidence motion'. And throw his royal claim away once the queen is not there in the equation, God forbid it."

"Not if the prince is in a relationship with the baby's dad!"

"The prince, what?

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