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"Wait! Hold the elevator!"

Hearing that voice alone was enough to make my heart stop.

It was also enough to send me right into a frantic state and repeatedly press the close door button on the elevator.

"Fuck," I grumbled under my breath. "Come on! Come on!"

Just as the doors were about to close, an arm reached through the gap and set off the monitors. Whatever power above that was currently watching this all unfold must be having a good laugh at my predicament.

The doors reopened. I closed my eyes, took a quick deep breath and prepared myself to face her.

"Please tell me you were not just trying to close the door on me!"

I slowly opened my eyes.

Here it goes...

Wait. What?

"Are you okay?"

I blinked. "Shit, yeah. Sorry, Del."

Delilah stepped into the elevator, arching a (rightfully so) suspicious brow at me. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"

Because you sound so much like your sister that I almost had a panic attack thinking we'd run into each other by being forced to be trapped in a small space together-

"Tired," I replied, adding a nonchalant shrug as I pressed the elevator button for the lobby. "Long day."

"Yeah, tell me about it," she muttered. "When you get married, prepare for the fucking unexpected. You think you'll have every detail planned out... and then bam! Someone's not coming. Or this person needs ten extra rooms."

"Someone asked you for ten extra rooms?"

A small smile pulled on her lips. "No," she quietly admitted. "But I wouldn't be surprised if I got that call."

"These people know you're meant to enjoy your wedding... right?"

"I wish they were that smart. Or considerate."

"Well, if anyone does try to pull that kind of shit... send them my way. You shouldn't have to deal with that."

Delilah ran her hands down the front of her dress, smoothing out the silky material. "Careful now, Hunter," she said with a warning tone, "I might take you up on that offer."

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

As the doors opened to the lobby, a group of guests' voices were heard from down the hall, giving us our last moment of peace before it was time to mix and mingle.

"Thank you."

I turned my head to the side as we stepped off the elevator. "No problem."

"I mean..." Delilah paused, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. "For everything, Hunter. Look, I know we're still... figuring each other out a bit," that was putting it lightly, "But I appreciate everything you've done. And I'm glad you're here."

"Me too."

Delilah reached her hand forward and gently squeezed my arm. With one final smile, she disappeared down the hall and was greeted by roaring voices, all celebrating the soon-to-be bride's arrival.

It wasn't a secret that a lot of time had to pass before Delilah and I could be in the same room. After the confession in the garage, I could see the burning hatred she had for me in her eyes. And I understood it too. I kept her sister from her. At that time, it didn't matter my reasoning or why I made the decisions I did. Because, at the end of the day, I was part of why the Miller sisters had spent so much time apart.

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