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When the kiss broke, and I pulled my head back, looking at Hunter made me feel one thing: eighteen years old again. It felt like I was experiencing everything that had happened when we were together, all the love and heartbreak, all in one kiss. I was reminded how easy it was for me to fall in love with him the first time. And, how much more painful that made it all when he broke my heart. I couldn't tell if kissing him meant I had just gone one step forward, or three steps back.

Hunter's eyes gleamed as he looked over my face. I knew why. I had the look. The one he wanted to test to see if I still had it, not too long ago. I had it. I didn't have to look in a mirror to know because I could feel it, beaming from within.

The panic over what I had just done began to set in.

"I should clean up!" I blurted out.

I quickly grabbed the empty pizza box and glasses and made my way towards the kitchen. Walking towards the sink, I ran the tap and began washing. The glasses could survive with a simple rinse. After all, they would be packed into a box and sitting in a warehouse for god knows how long. Yet, here I was, scrubbing away as if the Queen was about to come over.

I could feel his presence behind me, my shoulders instantly tensing at the thought of having to talk to him about what had just happened. I knew what had just happened. I kissed him. And I knew the feeling in my chest was trouble.

Why couldn't I have just listened to Abby?

Oh, we're just going to be packing! Where's the trouble in that? I mimicked in my own head.

I turned the tap off. The last thing I had money for right now was an expensive water bill.

"Dylan." The sound of his voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Look at me," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, "Please."

Every muscle in my body fought back as I turned around to face him. My eyes fell to the ground as soon as I saw the look in his eyes. The scared look in his eyes mixed with the sadness painted across his expression was too painful.

"Say something," he said quietly, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Please."

I leaned against the counter. "I can't do this again."

"Do what?"

"Let you hurt me again."

Hunter took a slow step towards me. "I'm not going to."

"How do I know that?" I questioned, looking up to meet his gaze. "You left me in the middle of the night once before! How do I know that won't happen again?"

I knew the frustration inside me was building past the point of keeping it under control; he could hear it in my voice. I didn't care. I was frustrated, in many ways. Frustrated over the fact that he could say those words to me and hearing it spread warmth throughout my body. It wasn't fair.

"Because I know how it feels to lose you," he said softly, "And to have to sit back and watch you be with someone else. I'm not going to let that happen again. I promise."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You can't promise that."

His hand went to cup my cheek and I subconsciously leaned into his touch. "Then let me prove it to you. Please."

Was it stupid for me to be thinking this way? Yes. Could I ignore the warmth that burned in my chest, aching to explode? No.

Was I possibly the biggest idiot for saying,

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