Serafall: Well, that was direct - feigning annoyance, but keeping herself from laughing.

Issei: Well, I had to dominate the situation

Serafall: I guess you did that and got right to the point - rubbing his cheek affectionately before giving him a tender kiss.

Xavier, in disbelief: Zeoticus - perplexed at the scene before him.

Sophitia: I can't believe it - covering her mouth in shock.

Odin: Haha, it seems that they forgot that we were here - nodding to the couple that was still kissing.

Richard: Could you explain to me what's going on?

Diana: Yes but before that... - pointing to the still kissing couple - we should probably separate them, don't you think?

Sirzechs: Yes, you're correct - clearing his throat - Issei!

Issei: Yes? - separating from Serafall, who glared at Sirzechs for ruining her time, the Maou Lucifer did feel a slight shiver go down his spine.

Ajuka: You forgot that we are still here

Milicas: It's true, Issei-nii - nodding in agreement with the Maou Beezlebub.

Serafall: Ah, forgive me - giving a bow as best as she could from within her wheelchair, embarrassed that she let her repressed lust begin to take over.

Sophitia:Well, you have a lot to explain - coming out of her shock.

Issei: I, er, yeah, I guess so - a little nervous about the explanation to come.

Xavier: You damn dragon, how dare you do that to my daughter! - going after Issei with a great thirst for blood, while the aforementioned ran for his life.

Venelana: Oh, Xavier, keep him alive for me, he still needs to be punished - despite the smile on her face, they could tell that she was serious.

Issei: But Okaa-san! - shocked by his mother's "betrayal"

Venelana: Ah, ah, ah, you ruined your mother's surprise, so you must pay the price.

Issei: Damn it - dodging a water spell aimed at him

Venelana: Try to survive, dear - amused by her son's predicament


Xavier: I see, well, Issei, I give you permission to be with my daughter - proud of having his daughter back.

Sophitia: I say the same - crying a little for this new union and seeing the maturity that her daughter now possesses.

Richard: Well, they didn't waste time - with a little mockery, but glad that Issei was moving on to people that appreciate him and value him.

Diana: Honey! -giving him a nudge to the ribs.

Venelana: Yes, I heard the news two times but it's still incredible - excited about how Issei and Serafall bonded

Issei: Yes and now that we're finished talking about it, there are 3 things that I want to talk about with those present - his voice was serious and despite his sickly appearance, he demanded attention.

Serafall: Hmm? You didn't tell me you wanted to say something - confused by what Issei had to say.

Issei: Because I wanted everyone to listen, I don't want to repeat myself - his tone was still serious, which made others see something new in Issei.

Sirzechs: We're ready to listen and we will be supportive of what you have to say - thinking to himself - 'His tone is similar to mine, you really have grown, Issei, maybe my plan will still come to fruition after all.'

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