Ch. 29: Steve the Brave

Start from the beginning

Max and El are sitting with us, but not playing. Basically just giggling between themselves and making rude commentary. There seems to be something more than just a close friendship there, but I'll leave that alone for now. It took me and Eddie this long, no need for anyone else to rush things either. Love needs time to bloom, to progress.

Mike, Will, and Lucas all focus in on Eddie, who's by far the most level headed player amongst us. Easily solving the riddles Dustin provides, and dodging attacks like it's nothing. Which is pissing Dustin off to no end. It's a little funny to be honest.

This feels like home. This feels like we haven't been through hell and back together. Like nothing has ever changed. Like we're just kids again spending time together, playing this painfully nerdy game.

Like as if tomorrow, we weren't leaving to start the rest of our lives together.

I watch Eddie carefully, talking animatedly, slamming his fists on the table if he misses a hit with the monster we run into within the deep cave we keep adventuring further into. I really do love him. I love everything about him. He's this, beautiful, completely complex, amazing person. My best friend. Love embodied.

I do die, quickly. Not without a fight, but the first monster we encounter, completely demolishes me. So I just have the time to sit back and watch everyone from the outside. It's alright, I love to see these boys in their element. It's comforting, and completely heartbreaking all at the same time.

Eddie spots me just observing, and shoots me one of those Earth shattering smiles, and a wink.

"I'm gonna call for pizza?"

"PLEASE." El says with a big smile. "Do you guys want me to put on a movie or something so you don't have to sit here and deal with all their nerdiness?"

"Absolutely. Oh my god I don't know if I can take another minute of this." Max loudly complains, getting a dirty look from Mike, and Dustin simultaneously. So I go, and turn on a movie, the two getting cozied up on the couch, and order some pizza.

I sit back down at the table, just observing, taking it all in one more time. I don't think I want to forget this. And I don't think I will.

The game goes on for a couple of hours, who knew that a cave could take so much time. But after much fighting, and loud arguing, the party emerges triumphant. Cheering loudly, and completely waking up El and Max who had long ago fallen asleep on my couch. "Could you guys like, not be loud for 5 minutes?" Max rubs her eyes and shoots everyone a glare.

They clean up the table, eating the last bits of the pizza that's left, chatting amongst themselves about colleges, moving, getting the hell out of Hawkins.

"We're really going to miss you, you know." Mike says, surprising and out of character for him to show emotion. But something about tonight is different. "Yeah, it's not going to be the same here without you both." Will sighs looking down at his hands.

"Well lucky for you fuckers, we're one phone call away, and you're free to come out to our place whenever you want. It's only New York, not like we're leaving the country." Eddie wraps an arm around Dustin, who's surprisingly quiet.

"It's just... it's going to be a lot different. Coming home and you not being here." Lucas looks over at me, smiling weakly. "Hey now, let's not get all sappy." I try to laugh, but it doesn't come out very convincingly. "Steve, we made you something." El peaks up from behind the couch, walking over to me at the table, and hands me an small notebook.

"We all pitched in, drew things, wrote things, there's some pictures in there too."

I open the book, flipping through the pages. Like a book of memories. Depictions of me, notes of appreciation, pictures I don't remember being taken of all of us together. I can feel the tears flood to my eyes. "Guys..."

"We love you, Steve. We're family, whether you like it or not." Dustin finally says. He's got tears in his eyes too. "You've saved us, been our rock. Been more than just a friend for every single one of us. We wouldn't be here without you, man." Lucas smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I am awestruck. I don't even know what to say.

"You little shits really know how to get me all emotional. Jesus Christ..." I wipe my arm across my eyes. This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. My weird, broken little family. The family we made for each other. I'm never going to be the same, because of them. I could never forget. "Thank you, so much..."

"Of course, mom! We love you!" Max comes bounding from behind the couch and is the first to wrap me in a huge hug. The rest of the group joins her, everyone hugging tightly together.

"And as for you, our fearless leader, and owner of our mom's heart." Max looks to Eddie, who is just loving every bit of attention on me, "You're not getting out of this love fest so easily either."

"Nope, you're sure not." Will says, going to the bag he brought along, pulling out a rolled up canvas, and hands it to him. "For you." He unrolls the canvas, eyes lighting up instantly. "Oh my god..." I walk over behind him, to see what was gifted.

It's a painting, of the party in each of our D&D personas. Eddie at the front, leading the group defending from a dragon. It's very well done, and very obviously Will's handywork. "I don't even know what to say." His eyes are misted over as well. We all come and wrap arms around him too.

Everyone, one by one leaves, heading home. It's well after midnight, the last one here is Dustin. "I'm going to miss you guys the most, I think..." He looks so sad. "We're going to miss you too kid." Eddie sits down on the couch, patting the spot next to him for Dustin to come sit.

"You know you're more than welcome over, any time. Right?"

"I wanted to let you know something, and I couldn't do it in front of the guys."

"What's goin on Henderson?" Eddie seems concerned. I can't help but be a little worried as well.

"I uh. I got accepted into NYU."



"Yeah." He smiles widely. "I'll be moving out there in a couple of months."

"Oh dude that's fucking amazing. I'm so proud of you!" I hug him tightly. "Thanks man, well. I should be heading home. Hey, will you call me once you're all moved in and settled?"

"Of course kid."

"I love you guys." Dustin leaves, and it's just me and Eddie again. The house is quiet, empty. Weird.

"You tired, love?" Eddie stretches out on the couch and closes his eyes. "Yeah, a little." I move myself and lay on him. I feel like my world is changing so quickly. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's so different than what I'm used to. The world we had here isn't right. It doesn't fit anymore.

"Wanna go to bed?" Eddies hands rest softly on my back, playing with the ends of my hair. "Not yet."

"We have an early morning, and we have to meet up with Robin when we get in."

"I know. I just wanna remember everything. I'm soaking it all in one more time."

"Take your time darlin." I sigh and close my eyes, feeling them sting a little from more tears. Not sad. Happy. I feel happy. I feel relief.

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