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IT WAS currently 1am, i woke up incredibly thirsty, like always. I sat up from my spot in my boyfriend Miguels bed and turned to see he wasn't laid down beside me. Instead, his lamp was on and he was sat at his desk. Probably doing one of his late night sketches, he always did it when he couldn't sleep.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, he jumped in shock a little but relaxed in my arms. "Why can't you sleep, baby?" I whispered and rested my head on his beanie covered head. He shrugged and dropped his pencil, looking at his newly pencil shaded hand.

"Just couldn't sleep, did i wake you up?" He questioned and i chuckled. "No, you didn't wake me up. Come on, lets go to bed okay? Its 1am.." i informed and he sighed. "Can i lay on you?" He asked, pouting, making me roll my eyes. "Yes mikey, come onnn" i hurried. He laughed and closed his sketch book before picking me up.

I let out a gasp and a laugh as he threw me on the bed and laid on my chest. "Wait...you forgot to turn the lamp off" i spoke and he groaned, getting up to turn it off. I lead him back to the bed with the torch on my phone as it went pitch black after that. He snuggled into my chest and sighed happily.

"You're my favourite girl, Y/n, i love you, okay?" He whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and took his beanie off, running a hand through his hair. "You're my favourite boy, i love you more" i whispered back before we both fell asleep.

Quick cute Miguel one, want more of them?

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