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💌╰┈➤ ❝ [ #ROBIN ARELLANO ] ❞

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💌╰┈➤ ❝ [ #ROBIN ARELLANO ] ❞

I always struggled with anxiety. I also didn't like to be the centre of attention. Everytime my English class did a project and we had to share it in front of the whole class, my teacher wouldn't ask me to do it because she knew my issue. My whole class knew. My boyfriend, Robin, was always my partner for the projects because he knew my state..

plus, he could never be bothered to read aloud.

But everything went downhill when we got a new English teacher quit her job and we got a new one. He looked nice but in reality...he wasn't. Our previous teacher informed our new one about each class members problems (that were known in the whole school) and my problem was included.

Yet he did not seem to care about my one...

Today in class, Robin and i set up our project on the table, i was only meant to show our teacher our homework to prove we've done it. "Hey, im gonna go to the bathroom to clean up my knuckles, tell him i did it with you" Robin informed, i nodded with a smile and he pecked my forehead before going to the bathroom.

I watched as my class went up to present and suddenly, my name and Robin's was called. "Umm sir, im not meant to do it cause my anxiety gets bad infront of people..." I explained timidly and he huffed, making me furrow my brows. "Well Wheres your partner?" He asked. "Bathroom to clean his knuckles sir..." "then you have to do it, stand up" he said and I looked around.

My eyes met Donna's and she gave me a sympathetic look before glaring at our new teacher. I stood up slowly and picked up my work with shaking hands. "Dont be so dramatic and come to the front!" Our teacher yelled impatiently making me feel worse. My throat felt tight, i was sweating and shaking. "Sir, shes not meant to do it!" I heard Donna speak up.

"Shut up, you don't get a say in this. This young lady here is just being dramatic and putting on a show for attention" he spoke firmly, making Donna grow more angry. "I-i can't do th-this" I stuttered and i heard him groan. "What are you stupid? Stop shaking like a scared puppy, AND READ!" He yelled in my face.

That was it for me. I slammed my work down onto the floor and rushed out the classroom. I could hear the class starting to have a go at our new teacher, the loudest voice was Donna herself.

On the way to the girls bathroom, I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Robin. "Y/n he- wait, what happened, whats wrong?" He asked quickly when he noticed me crying, shaking and breathing quick and heavy. I couldn't talk, my chest felt tight along with my throat. I just shook my head, gasping, thankfully Robin didn't question any further.

"Okay, okay, come here amor" he gently took me in his arms and took me to the boys bathrooms. Honestly, I didn't care. Robin had dragged me in here countless of times. Nobody said anything cause its...well its Robin Arellano.

"Ssh, shh, hey, Y/n, look at me" he whispered softly. He sat me on the sink and stood in between my legs, i looked into his eyes, crying heavily. "Ssh, its okay, you're with me, you're okay.." he spoke softly and rubbed my thighs carefully. "Here look, focus on my breathing" he started to breathe in and out, wanting me to follow along, so i did.

It worked, i had finally calmed down and i rested my head on Robin's chest, listening to his heart beat which calmed me down even more. "Wanna tell me what happened now, mami?" He whispered gently. "The new teacher made me go up..." i whimpered. The thought of it terrified me. "He what?!" My boyfriend exclaimed, absolutely livid.

He was about to go off and yell at the teacher, hell, maybe even throw a punch or two at him. But i didn't want him to get expelled or anything, so I wrapped my arms tightly around him and shook my head. "Dont leave me...and don't do anything stupid" I murmured and he sighed, stroking my back.

"Okay..but we're reporting this because what he did was wrong, understand me?" He spoke firmly and i nodded. Robin gently wiped my tears away and held me in his arms for a little while longer. When period 4 was finally over, Robin and i made our way to the principal to report him and he got fired almost immediately.

Robin Arellano imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora