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💌╰┈➤ ❝ [ #ROBIN ARELLANO ] ❞

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💌╰┈➤ ❝ [ #ROBIN ARELLANO ] ❞

HE LAID on my chest, i had just cleaned Robin up from yet another fight. I was mad at him, he knew that and i made sure he knew it. While i cuddled me, i didn't play with his hair or rub his back, i just read my book, I could tell he was annoyed by it.

"Y/n~ i hate it when you ignore me..." he whined, i rolled my eyes at his childlike comment. "Should've thought about that before fighting, baby" i informed casually, going back to my book. But not for long since my needy boyfriend knocked it out of my hands. "Robin!" I went to complain but...

He hovered over me and smashed his lips onto mine, my eyes grew wide in shock but of course, i melted into the kiss. One of his hands where resting near my head while the other held my waist. I cupped his cheeks with my hands. His lips were so soft against mine and his kiss wasn't rough, it was gentle and sweet.

His lips soon moved down towards my neck, i bit my lip and hid my smile. His hand that was on my waist moved to my thigh, lifting it to hook over his hips before he moved his lips on mine again. I enjoyed the moment, running my hand through his hair, kissing his face or rubbing his neck.

That was until he got off me and walked away. "Robin!!" I whined and he smirked. "What, mami?" He questioned making me blush/making my eyes widen in shock. "I wanna make out more..." I complained and he chuckled and leaned against the door way. "Should've thought about that before ignoring me" he winked and walked out.

I wasn't letting him get away though. Even if we don't make out, i still wanna be near him.

I got off the bed and rushed after him, i went downstairs and he was putting texas chainsaw massacre on, a blanket over his lap as he sat on the couch. I walked over and lifted the blanket, sitting on his lap and draping it back over us. I snuggled into his chest and felt it vibrate with a laugh. "You're too cute, Y/n, too cute.." he mumbled.

He held me close while watching the movie, while he watched the movie, he rubbed my back and ran a hand through my hair. "I love you" he whispered and kissed my forehead, i smiled. "I love you too..."

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