Ch. 5 The Few I Care About

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Warning; Torture and killing 

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.

As expected, Ratchet isn't in the medbay this late. I know he would be if there are patients in critical condition, but there are currently no patients.
The door to the medical supply room opens without issue, and I have to double-check if I've damaged the door. While I'm not trained in medicine, I've learned about a few drugs that can kill humans. I know Ratchet keeps all drugs locked up while keeping the supply room locked. Once again, what I thought I'd have to lock pick is unlocked.
There aren't any prepared syringes, but I think Ratchet is letting me deal with this scumbag.
After years of watching Jamie hurt, I think Optimus, Prowl, and Ratchet have had enough of being unable to do anything. Even if the humans aren't committing crimes. They probably could charge the last human to verbally attack Jamie with murder if she ends her life, but we'd rather not get to that point. I guess I've been unofficially assigned to deal with these humans. I prepare by human killer concoction and leave the room — locking the door behind me — and leave the medbay. Even if Ratchet did this, I don't think Jasmine and Jolt know.

Jonathan Rose is asleep on the floor of his cell. Even as I open the cell door, which is loud, he doesn't wake up m. He isn't dead, which is good. I want to torture him first. He's asleep as I set up the chains on the wall and chain him.
"Wake up!" I yell, scaring Jonathan awake.
"Sir, yes, sir!" What an odd response. It's hilarious watching Jonathon try to run, "what the?" He looks at me, "let me go!"
"You don't know who I am, do you?"
"That's not what I meant. You don't know what I do? We're wasting time," I will not kill him immediately, and I show him the whip, "let me show you my hatred for you. I hate most humans, but the ones that hurt the few I care about infuriate me!"
He's getting scared for his life before I do anything. This is perfect. The chains are long enough to force Jonathan away from the wall.
"This is for all the femmes you've hurt the past ten years!" I yell as I whip his back as hard as possible, enjoying the screaming.

Twenty minutes of this shows a perfect sight of punishment on Jonathan's back. Add hearing him cry. I use my knife to cut his face, allowing tears and blood to mix.
"I could do this all night, but time is running out."
The human screams as I inject the concoction. Within minutes, Jonathon falls to the floor.
"What did you do to me?!"
"I'm going to make you bleed out. You were planning on killing her, weren't you?!"
I start slowly cutting his arms and legs, enjoying his screaming.
"I would do a service to N.E.S.T.," Jonathon claims.
This infuriates me.
"Then I'm doing N.E.S.T. a service!" I cut all over his body, "you can bleed to death! Suffer the consequences of attacking Jamie!"
I clean up the supplies, putting them in my subspace, and leave the brig.

Once I shower in the training room's showers, I go to my room. Sideswipe doesn't know what I did, and I blocked his side of the bond. I'll find out tomorrow if I was unofficially granted permission to kill this scumbag or not. There are more serious issues to deal with.

Drift's P.O.V.
I try to meditate while Crosshairs and Jamie are still asleep, but I visualize finding Jamie dead. This fear is too intense to meditate. Even while she's asleep. There'd be no way to leave the room without me knowing. I'm distracted enough to not hear Crosshairs sit on his knees in front of me and hug me.
"She'll be ok," he whispers, but I can tell he's worried.
"No, she never will be. Even here isn't a good place for her when I can't give her what she wants. Even making her happy is a challenge. She wants to sign a DNR, Crosshairs."
How the frag can he not be terrified?
I give up meditating and try a bath that'll hopefully be relaxing.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
While Drift is in the bathroom, I lay on the bed with Jamie. I don't think she'll be displeased.
Drift is getting angry, thinking I'm not terrified, but I don't think telling him I am will help. I hate watching my friends hurt, and there's nothing I can do. Lightning is getting mad that I don't tell her everything, but I don't want her to feel this way. I've been able to not lie when telling her she couldn't come to Jamie's dimension with us, and hopefully, she'll be busy with Jamie's niece to know if Jamie is crying. It's bad that Drift and I know she'll be crying.

I don't have to wait long for Jamie to wake up.
"He's taking a bath," I tell her, knowing she's looking for Drift. 
She wants to sign a DNR.
That haunts me looking at Jamie, hating how Drift feels he can't make his femme happy, and Jamie still thinks death is the only way.
Crosshairs: hey, what happened to getting a puppy?
Jasmine: uh... I've heard Jamie is struggling. I can't do it, Crosshairs knowing how much Jamie loves animals and how hurt she still is after losing her dog, Buddy. I can't even think of keeping the puppy at my aunt and uncle's house. Wondering if Jamie will be happy to see a puppy or not.
Crosshairs: I'm going to talk to Drift and Rung about this. I assume Ratchet is uncertain?
Jasmine: yes.
Jamie has fallen asleep by the time I'm done texting Jasmine. Jasmine is right; a puppy could hurt Jamie more rather than make her feel a little better since she loves animals.
Sunstreaker: how are they?
Crosshairs: Drift is struggling that he can't meditate. Jamie was awake for a few minutes, but fell asleep.
Sunstreaker: is it something other know?
Crosshairs: yes, and that.
Sunstreaker: I hate there's nothing we can do. Even Lily and Sideswipe.
Crosshairs: I think everyone is worried.
"I wish we could help you. Everyone wants to help."
"Ahem," I hear Drift as I'm kissing Jamie's forehead, but the samurai is smiling, "so what's the plan for today?"
"I don't know. I don't even want to suggest taking her home earlier than planned."
"I know that look..."
"I just remembered Jasmine planning on getting Audrey a puppy, but she's worried about Jamie, but she doesn't want to keep the puppy at her aunt and uncle's house."
"We've noticed Jamie wants a puppy, but then she remembers Buddy, Landon, and Onyx. Even if she doesn't know what happened to Landon. I just don't know if she'll be upset rather than happy like Audrey, Hannah, and Leah. Still, Jasmine shouldn't be deciding based on how Jamie will react."
"I think with this, she has to think about everyone but concerned about Jamie."
"I just...."
"I know, she's complicated, and it's hard to make her happy with everything she's dealt with, and she didn't do well after Buddy's death."
We decide to talk about this with Jasmine, Ratchet, and Optimus after the trip. Even if Jamie is ok with a puppy, I don't think this will help Drift not think he can't make Jamie happy.

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