S2 E1: The Toro Regatta (P.1)

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After a long pause... I'm back! Gosh, a whole new season to write. I better get to work. Also, chapters may still take more time to publish bc of school :P
Anyways, happy reading!

--Last season on "Final Space x Y/n" a lot freakin' happened, so let's burn through it real quick:

Our main hero is Gary. A lot of people on Reddit think he's annoying- well, I guess they have a point,

but if you really want to know annoying just hang out with KVN for five minutes.

We also got, y/n. Gary's newly discovered little brother, as well and Mooncake. Oh! Who, by the way, is as cute as powerful, like, a planet destroying super weapon.

Gary's best friend Avocato, a gruff, tough, little bit rough bounty hunter, who sadly... bit it.

His son Little Cato, who Gary swore to protect.

Hue, the ship's AI, who can't keep him in check...

Tribore the surprisingly capable and fashionable head of the Resistance.

And Clarence, someone I hope to never meet again.

You would never think someone like Gary would have to save the world. It's tricky because... no one teaches you how. You just meet someone really, really genuine like Quinn...

And her equal future self, Nightfall.

You hear about a breach in space you gotta close or else you get hunted by a maniacal dick-wad like the Lord Commander

and then, you just kind of hope it works out. That's what happened to our heroes lastly, anyway. Only it didn't...

...work out.--

-- The two brotherly-dead corpses were flying around, between pieces of debris from spaceships, buildings from the Earth, which is no longer in the Solar system, and who knows what else. The infamous bodies were locked hugging, not separating one from each other and causing some little heat to happen between them in the cold, cold space, but there's no effect from it. Yeah... it's hella cold. It was so cold, that their tongues from bright, healty red were dark purple. Also, they wouldn't wake up because there's no more O2 in their tanks. 'Gary...' 'No. Don't. Don't say it.' 'I'm not coming back.' Quinn's words echoed in Gary's hollow mind, before his last breaths. Looks like this is the end to our story... --

[Lights turn on.]

-- Oh... Or maybe not.

A big dark thing flew over the hugging corpses, and with a bright light, it sucked them in.

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