S1E7: Chapter 7

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-right after the explosion, and the whole horrible event, Little Cato and y/n were with tears in their eyes, laying on the ground in front of the hole, watching it slowly be repaired by robots. They couldn't accept the fact that Avocato was gone. Every time that tought comes in their heads, tears rush to exit their eyes. Even tough the boys shared the same grief, they wouldn't talk to each other. They will just lay there, crying, not even giving a glance at the other, thinking 'He's not as hurt as I am.' ... Both being wrong.

'That Lord Commander dickhead will pay.' They both tought. From that day on, y/n wasn't scared from him anymore. The anger moved the fear out of his head, he wanted only 1 thing. Revenge. Words cannot describe the sweet, sweet taste of giving back the hurtful act someone did, smashing it right in their nose. Nothing better in the whole universe. But that wouldn't bring back the moments you lost...

After some minutes, of silently staying at the gate, Gary came into the room, with a cup of milk and a cookie on a plate. He wondered to who should he go first. Alas, he chose Little Cato, since it was his father, after all. He silently sat next to the orange boy, and spoke to him "Hi. I'm... sorry for your loss. He was the best friend I've ever had, and the best father someone could have-" before he could continue his sentence, Little Cato hides his face in his arms and runs away from the room, letting small tears fall on the ground. "Wait, I'm sor-!" Is all Gary could yell towards Little Cato, without making any effect. To the small boy, Gary was still only a "stranger".

Gary looks down with sadness, thinking what should he do. His thoughts are interrupted by some sobbing, coming from y/n's cries, who was still laying on the ground. Gary glanced at him and quickly grabbed the milk and cookie, heading over to y/n. This time he will try to not make another boy cry-run away. "Hey..." He delicately started, "What." Y/n responded trough silent tears, trying to calm himself as much as he could, wich wasn't easy after seeing a loved one die in front of your eyes. "Look, we're all sad. I don't mean that you shouldn't. I think you two were starting to get along, but... What I'm trying to say is that everyone is sad for... what happened. You shouldn't go trough this all alone, like what Little Cato is trying to do. Just want to remind you that if you need a friend to open up for... I'm always here for you if you need me." Gary says, sliding the plate and cup over to y/n. After hearing all those words, y/n's eyes begin tearing up again, but this time he grabs Gary and hugs him tightly, resting his face on his shoulder and sobbing silently, "...Thank you.".

Y/n breaks the hug and rubs his red eyes, saying "Also, thank you for the food. I was getting kinda hungry, to be honest. But I was too sad to leave this place.". He drinks some of the milk and looks at Gary, who is watching him with a strange look in his eyes. "Heh... do you want half cook-?" "Yes please." He is interrupted by Gary's quick words. Y/n grabs the cookie and breaks it in half, not perfectly of course, but close enough. He gives one half to Gary and they both start munching the cookie. "Wait, this thing is actually pretty great!" Y/n states, "Really?! I didn't know that!" Gary answers, sarcastically.-

-------(some time later)-------

-Gary was stuffing as many cookies as he could in his face, while y/n was peacefully enjoying his only one, behind him. Suddenly, the ventilation gate in the kitchen wall fell, causing in both men to turn around, scared. In the vent was Little Cato with a worried look, because he was caught, but before anyone could say anything, he ran away. Then Quinn entered the room. "He's in the walls!?" Y/n yelled, "Gary, I think you should talk to him. Y/n, you too." Quinn suggested, "Yeah, you're right." "Wait why also me? I almost don't know him!" Gary and y/n said, Quinn answering "I don't know! You're almost the same age, I think..." "Ugh... fine." Y/n grunted, 'Whatever he's going trough I am as well, so I guess it should be... somehow easy' he tought.-

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