S1 E10: Chapter 10 (Season Finale)

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Are y'all ready for the epic season finale of Final Space x y/n!? 
Hope you're not, so I don't mess up if this chapter doesn't turn out great, haha. Jk, I'll try doing it the BEST I can!

-There was the Galaxy 1 in space. In front of it, between the huge distances of dark vacuum, were situated hundreds of Heavy Incinerators and behind them their commander in a bigger ship, the Lord Commander, who was at the verge of dying. The green skin he has was wrinkled and peeled off almost on his whole tiny, but powerful, body. His eyes not being able to close because of the fallen eyelids and his head popped up like a pinyata, letting sight of his enormous, pink brain. If only a knife was dropped onto him... "Do these fools really think that I'll allow them to close the breach? I was chosen by titans." he creepily speaks with the little voice he has left and his bodyguard behind him, who looked like a really messed up abomination. 

On the Galaxy 1, Gary is enthusiasting everyone, while they are preparing phisically and mentally, for the war that is about to happen. A little unfair if you ask me, but war is war and our team-squad is a never-ending hope that will never give up, not if there's something that could be done yet. "We might not make it out of this. I wanted to say... I don't know what we are." the blonde captain speaks with confidence, while everyone looked with worryness at him "A crew? Feels like we are more than that. I mean, friends maybe? But to me, we've become like a close but very strange family" he says, walking to the projector in the middle of the Navs room. Everyone around the table is feeling kinda sick. Except the tension, their stress is currently over the ceiling. The captain continues "And without you... I wouldn't be me. Anyways, whatever happens, wherever we go, we find each other when this is over... deal?". Some nodded, others gave a thumbs up and Mooncake went close to Gary's face, with a sad expression on his face and his anntenas down. The whole speech made y/n wonder a bit. 'The right time will come, trust me.' Avocato's words were in his head repeating... after a bit, he made a decision.

A second later, when the crew isn't so near them, y/n goes up to Gary and tells him "Hey Gary... I liked your speech. And I want to tell you something before it's too late, you know..." but the young boy wasn't really heard, after Gary responded "Uh... y/n, it can wait until after this, right? Let's prepare for the battle right now!" "But-" Before letting y/n continue, Gary runs out the room, yelling "I NEED SOME COOKIES!". They help for the stress. Y/n sighed and hoped that they wouldn't be dead before he could tell his brotherwhat he had in mind.-

----------(Some minutes later)----------

"They are too many, Gary!" Quinn yelled "We'll never be able to break trough!" "Hue, can you find a way?" he asked with an angry expression, while being dead serious. Guess the cookies helped him. "We can create a lever 4 particle burn." the A.I. responded, "Great, while I bust out my chemistry set how about explaining what hell that means!?" the blonde asked angry, yelling at the ceiling. No, looks like he's just angry, wich is very similar to serious. "It means we eject our light fold core... and detonate it." "What!? Your great idea is to explode our lightfold engine?!" some silence filled the room. Seeing that they have no other choice, the captain looked at Quinn, who gave a confident grin back and he said "Hue! Eject the-" but the A.I. is one step ahead and ejects it before Gary could finish his sentence. "Done, Gary." "Seriously? I mean, next time, can you warn me first?!" "Gary. The is no 'Next time.' ." that last part made everyone tense up, including y/n. He tried his chances of speaking with Gary again. He placed a hand on his shoulder and delicately asked "Gary... I-" but the blonde quickly removed the hand and turned at the window, avoiding eye contact, and said "Not now, y/n!". The boy just gave an irritated look at joined the show on the window.

While the big engine was flying trough the space, leaving a bright blue trace of energy, it slowly approached the center of the enemy army. S.A.M.E.S. were running around, some doing work, others by fake robot-worryness, while Hue stated "Detonating in 3... 2...". All the Incinerators were watching how a white thing was getting closer to them and looked very confused, as well as their biggest dickhead. "What is that?" he asked shrinking his eyes a little. When he finally realized what it is, he opened them both wide but it was too late, "...Boomtown.". A bighuge white explosion occured, blinding the pilots, while the shockwave moved the giant ships. Some crashed into others, while another part just exploded...

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