S1E5: Chapter 5

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-Y/n couldn't rest at all. 'How could that be possible..?' he repeatedly was asking himself in his head. 'What are the chances?!' he cannot believe, that from all the living beens in the universe, exactly his brother, who he hasn't seen since y/n was a baby, would rescue him? And also wouldn't recognise him?! I mean, if Gary knew he would probably think the same, but who knows. No one understands how his idiot brain works. 

Now it has been an hour and a half since y/n should have been woken up, but he's still in his room. Suddenly, the doors open "Hey, uh... y/n? Is everything okay, buddy? Why aren't you up?" Avocato asked quietly in case y/n is actually sleeping, but no, he's just laying in his bed in his dark room. Everything's a mess but as said, it is dark, so no one notices. "Good morning, Avo." y/n just replies with his eyes open, not even looking at him, instead staring at the ceiling. Avocato decides to enter "Okay, neither I or you are going out of this room until you tell me what's on your mind." he demanded. "[sigh] are you really going to do that?" "yes. Yes I am." Avocato simply replied "Okay fine!" y/n yelled, standing on his bed. "You know how Gary saved me while I was in that capsule, right? Well... turns out that... he... I-" y/n was nervous saying that sentence. "Turns out we... a-are brothers, actually. We have the same father." he finally said. After finishing that sentence he waited anxiously for Avocato's response, y/n had a terrified look on his face. "Oh... well, that's... that's just... wow! I-I mean, it was really unexpected for me, to say the least." Avocato spoke. "Does he know?" "NO and plese DON'T tell him!" y/n raised his tone. "Okay okay, I won't. But I think he should know" Avocato tought out loud, "Yeah, I know and I will tell him... just I don't know how and when..." y/n said. "The right time will come trust me. But until then, I'm keeping your secret until the day I die, haha" Avocato reassures him, "now, are you coming? We're having pancakes" "Oooh! My favorite!" y/n yells as he runs past Avocato and rushes to the kitchen, but before going he turns back at Avocato and says "Hey Avo... thanks". He simply responds "You're welcome. Now, better go before I eat them all!" he yells, pushig y/n aside and running away. "HEY!!!"-

-Later, when y/n was chilling in the kitchen while everyone was in the navs room, the whole ship suddenly started glowing red and everything was shaking, almost like an earthquake, but we're in space? Y/n rushed to the navigation and yelled "WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON?!" Before anyone could answer him, the ship started spinning everyone around the room, but Mooncake was just floating in the middle, not even spinning and he even CHUCKLED. After what seemed 30 crashes at once, the ship finally stopped. Luckily, everyone was alive, but sadly the ship was heavily damaged and the worst, KVN also survived... "Is everyone alright?!" Quinn yelled, "Yeah, I think everyone is alive" Gary answered. "Okay, great! Now... could someone kindly EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT JUST HAPPENED AND WHERE ARE WE?!?" y/n shouted, exclaiming for an explanation.-

Gary: You see, basically we're at a planet that is an Infinity guard outpost, that supposedly is making the bridge bigger and bigger. You know why? Because they. ARE. CORRUPT! -Gary looked at Quinn-
Y/n: Oh.. WHAT? Quinn is that true?
Quinn: No it isn't! The Infinity guard is NOT corrupt!
Gary: I guess we're about to find out...
Hue: Assesing damage... The deflector array is - offline. The power cells - are offline. The bake shop - is offline. 

Gary: Wait! There's a bake shop on this thing? -Quinn ignores him and states: -
Quinn: Avocato and I will scout around. The rest of you stay back and repair all damages on the ship. Come on Avocato, let's go!
Y/n: Uh... Quinn~ Would you like to have more help with you?~
Quinn: No.
Gary: Come on!! Don't you have a cup of trust on us?
Quinn: I only trust 3 people on this world. My dog, my sister and every single member of the Infinity guard. 
Y/n: Quinn... The Infinity guard tried to kidnap you and they tried to take on the Galaxy 1!
Quinn: I have no reason to trust any of you, so I'm going with the guy who is literally covered in guns. -and she pointed at Avocato, who literally was covered in guns. Like, only his head, legs and hands could be seen-
Y/n: We are gonna ignore her and totally go, aren't we?
Gary: You guessed it! 
Y/n: Yeah... we know each other so well...
Gary: Yeahh... Come on Mooncake! -Mooncake gets over screaming "Oooo!!" as he's super excited-

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