S1 E8: Chapter 8

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-"Crew!! Or better said, Legion Of Murdering An Irritatingly Power-Thirsty Pint-sized Imp Into A Plethora Of Buttholes!... Are you ready to save the Earth!?" Gary shouted at everyone in the navigations room.  Everyone cheered, even the robots. The crew was filled with hype and power, thinking no one can stop them, even that dickhead Lord Commander, no matter how crappy he looks and is. "Question is, captain, are you ready?" Little Cato asked, pointing a finger at the blonde, who anwered excited "I'm so READY!" while Quinn was just smirking at them, with y/n next to her, beside the control table. -

--------(a minute later)--------

-"I am so NOT ready! How am I gonna save an entire planet!?" Gary yelled at the flying camera in his room, thinking he was alone. "I'm all for trying, but there's a high chance we're all gonna DIE!" he continued, while putting his face right on the lens. That last sentence made y/n come into the room, who was on the other side of the door listening. "Hah! Tought so." he said and as soon Gary heard his voice, he shut down the camera and faced him "AH! Y/N! You gotta STOP spying on PEOPLE!" "Yeah, I know, it's a bad habit, like biting my tongue... but dude! If you think we shouldn't do it you better talk it out with Quinn! I mean, I'm also not ready, haha..." he chuckles explaining. "Too late! I already hyped up everyone! I can't just go there and say "I'm scared, we shouldn't so it."!" Gary explained, in wich y/n waited a second and said "Yeah... you're right. Also, that wouldn't look very brave in Quinn's eyes...". "Not helping!" Gary yelled, "Okay this time I'm leaving you with your toughts alone... for real." y/n said, while walking backwards and leaving Gary's room. Now before continuing thinking out loud, Gary checked the hallways both sides to see if anyone's nearby... Nope. He closed the door and said "I can do this, right? Right!?" "No. It's more or less done deal." Hue speaks up, "This is immpossibleee! Aughhaghhh!" Gary yells stuffing his face into the bed, making so only muffled grunts could be heard. -

--------(2 minutes later)--------

-"Nothing is immpossible,!" he yells with a fist in the air, "If we apply our minds into it! Hue, do we know of a way to close this breach?" the blonde asked at the ceiling, but Hue replied with a cold monotone "No." wich caused everyone to not feel so ready now. "Well that's not good. Uhm, well, anything at all that we could do!?" he continues, the a.i. wich answers "Yes. You can kiss your cheecks goodbye." "Heheh... not best time for jokes, Hue" Little Cato says. "I tought I'd give it a try, before we implode into nothingness." Everyone's looks on their faces said 'Oh.' and 'Well that's not great' at the same time. Then KVN approached Gary and asked "Gary, am I gonna die?" and the answer he got from the blonde was "Are you trying to cheer me up, KVN?" while pushing him back, "because you dying would be a wonderful development!". The dumb robot made a grin and started singing "♪We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die! We-♪" but was suddenly interrupted by y/n, whispering loud enough so that everyone could hear "Shut the hell up, KVN, or I'm gonna find ways.". 

Suddenly, Nightfall came up to the table and spoke "Actually there is a way." while taking off her helmet, wich she was wearing for some reason, "Hue, set coordinates for sector 12, region 6.79.". "Nightfall, that would fly us directly into the sun at the heart of the Orion Nebula." "I know." she anwered calmly. Little Cato and y/n both yelled at the same time "What!?" while Gary said "We are NOT flying into a sun!" to Nightfall. She got a little bit angry, and asked him "Do you wanna live?" "Yes, I would love to live! And laugh.. That's exactly fricking why we are not flying into a SUN!"You're right. We are going to lightfold in!" the woman answered with a small confindent grin. Gary's eye tweaked a bit and after a second he said "That's freaking worse! You said it like it was better but that is the opposite of better!" "I would never suggest this unless I knew something you're not sharing! What do you know?" Quinn joined, "Quinn, aren't you curious how you became me?" "If that answer involves flying into a sun I'm not curious. I don't think anybody's curious!" Gary yelled, but he got pushed to the floor by KVN, who shouted "I'm curious! Keep going!" "MUST YOU, KVN? MUST YOU!" Gary yells after standing up. "There's only 1 being who can help us. A titan who inhabits a realm between our dimmension and the next one, called Inner Space. He came to me. At my lowest point."-

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