Chapter 4. Pehli Mulaqaat

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Mughal Fort,

Jalal entered the Gates of the Mughal Fort in Delhi- their capital and seat of power. 

He was on his horse, with his entourage behind him and when he looked to see who had come to welcome him back into his home, he could only see Badi Ammi, Khan Baba, the Marium Makani and lastly, his sister- Bakshi (Who ran up to Jalal and hugged his knees because he had grown taller but Bakshi had somehow stayed the same)- all of them waiting for him with a sombre expression.
He wondered what had them all so unsmiling but knew that all would be revealed soon...this entire trip had been one bizarre event after another- first his father sends Jalal a letter to return to Delhi as soon as possible for an urgent matter- contacting him for the first time in years, then the fact that Ruqaiya had insisted on coming and it came as a shock because she hates travelling for such a long-haul and this time she had almost jumped at the possibility of returning to Delhi. Then there was the fact that Jalal's loyal general- Atgah Saheb had chosen to stay back in Kabul instead of coming along with Jalal and now--that Jalal was finally here in Delhi, his father was nowhere to be seen as if he had called Jalal for an emergency and then forgotten all about it. 

Regardless, It had been three years since Jalal had left to take care of Kabul, Kandahar and Ghazni. Since then, Jalal had also invaded Kashmir, adding it to his list of growing Subas (Growing list of Kingdoms under Jalal's governance.)

Jalal had tasked his spymaster Zaheer and his friend Abdul- to figure out why Jalal had been called back to Delhi after three years of no interference but their still growing but capable group of informants had only been able to bring him a hint- it was something to do with Jalal's inheritance and succession. That Badshah Humayun was seen muttering that he 'needed to tell Jalal' something although no one knew what it was. 

He performed a Salam to the three people welcoming him and held Bakshi to himself but did not say anything for the looks on their faces were grave enough that he knew conversation could wait.
Jalal looked up at a movement he saw from the corner of his eyes and saw his father come out onto his balcony to wave at his people- as was his habit every evening.
Ah, so that explained where his father was and what he was doing instead of welcoming Jalal back in Delhi-- he will have to meet him later to inform him about the conquest of Kashmir, it had been a good one- the Hindu King had come flailing out of his castle like a cockroach running away from fire.
It had been- if not an easy conquest, then definitely an entertaining one and he was sure his father will agree with the sentiment.

He followed the Marium Makani and two of his parent figures followed him into the castle as they turned- not in the direction of his father's chambers as Jalal had suspected they would but instead in the direction of a hidden room- the kind which was architecturally soundproofed. 

"Jalal," Badi Ammi started, once they reached a secluded room but the Mariam Makani stopped her and said,

"I want some time to talk to my son. Alone." She said and Khan Baba left the room quietly but Badi Ammi stayed and said,

"He will need me for this."

"If he does, I shall call you back in Maham but until then, please." Hamida Begum said, gesturing towards the door and Jalal frowned, nodding once when Badi Ammi looked at him to confirm. What was happening?
Why was everyone being so secretive? Whatever it was, Jalal knew it had to be grave else the Marium Makani wouldn't have spoken to Badi Ammi like that. 

Badi Ammi left and closed the door as she left and he saw Hamida Bano Begum turn towards him, her eyes watering...
"What is it?" Jalal asked, his voice edgy and his eyes narrowed. He might not like Marium Makani much but it still held to the fact that she was the wife of the Shahenshah and the mother of the next Shahenshah. 

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