Chapter 1: Training and saving a shiver eye woman

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(A/N: I will be adding WW2 staff, Some of the futuristic staff will be in the future chapters)


Location: Unknown forest

3rd person pov

In the unknown forest, A portal appear in the air. Upcome two couples from earth and landing on the ground.

Y/N: *Groan in pain* What happen?

W/N: *Try to gain conscious* That Oum guy teleportation us here?

Y/N: Also he said about remnant? What's that?

W/N: Don't know, But he did gives this powers. So yeah.

Y/N process to stand up and help W/N, The two look around their surroundings that they're in the forests. The two couples look at the sky and see a shattered moon.

Y/N: Oh shit, What happen to the moon?

W/N: I don't know? Probably a giant laser or something.

Y/N: Uh huh? So let's test our powers..... So how do I-

???: I can help with that!

Y/N and W/N jumpscare about that voice, They're look around the voice until it talks.

???: Look behind you.

They're turn around and they were shock to see a floating orb like machine with one blue eye.

They're turn around and they were shock to see a floating orb like machine with one blue eye

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W/N: *Shock and Scared* W-What the heck is that!?

Y/N Looks at the orb and recognize it.

Y/N: Holy shit! That's spark from halo game.

Tan: That's right, You can call me tan. I am an AI system that can help you in the journey.

W/N: Wow, I never though of that.

Y/N nodded.

Tan: I know you have question regarding where you are. You are in world called "Remnant".

Y/N: Remnant? Is it?

Tan: Yes, But I can't tell you more details. For now you need to be ready for any possible threats regardless for your safety. Many will know your powers (Including atlas and white fang) and use it as weapon that will cause chaos around remnant.

Y/N and W/N look at each other more, They're need to be careful in the future or everybody will catcher them both. The two nodded at each other and look at tan.

Y/N: Ok, Tell us what to do?

Tan: First, You need an army. You have unlimited powers mr. Y/N. Pick one of the eras you like.

World powers in Remnant (Male Reader and Wife Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now