Me:"eyyy la I'm entitled to be rude okay "

Nomzamo:"well I tried apologising so how about you shove your entitlement where the sun dosent shine "

She bumps my shoulders and leave ugggggh this girl can really tick me off I don't like girls backchatting me like that and just because she is dating sabelo she thinks she owns the world

I don't like girls backchatting me and that's final nomzamo better be the last

Nomzamo's POV

Uggggghhhhhhh he just ticks me off

How can a person' be this rude he thinks he  owns the world just because he is from the richest family

Well yes nomzamo he is motherfucking rich

Right now I really hate my subconscious for playing mind games with me
Nkosenye' is really rude why didn't I see all of this before

Because you had never talked to him dummy

I hate the guy already and we not even married ,the fact that I have to break up with my boyfriend for that obnoxious rude ,guy just makes me livid I love mpumelelo so much

Anyways enough about the devil's son

The admin is not that busy so I just take the files that the teacher had sent me and just leave
Just as I exit the admin a voice I mean a deep voice calls my name


I turn around and it's Mr Khumalo our principal the one who told me my uncle passed away at the same with the rude boy yep that's him

Me:"good morning sir "

Khumalo:"good morning umm I wanted to discuss something important with you regarding your spelling bee offer "

I have always wished to participate for the spelling bee ,well I did storytelling in my lower grades but now I wanted to take it much more higher you now I just love English

Me:"ohhh yes "

Khumalo:"well you can come to my office at break to discuss the details we found a school "

What !!!!!!! That is the best news ive heard all damn week so I'm going to compete in a spelling bee competition

He sees my excitement

Khumalo:"you are bound to be happy this is a huge opportunity"

Me:"thank you ,thank you "

I jump up and down with excitement

Khumalo:"okay now you can head to class "

I shake his hand as a way of saying thank you and hop to my class

Fourth period is over in a flash ,it's break already Lee comes to my class and finds me plastered with a smile

Lee:"and then the smile ?"

Me:"well I got in the spelling bee"

Okay well it's my besties turn to jump up and down excitement one would swear she is the one that got in she engulfs me in a bone crushing hug

Lee:"baby I'm so happy for you my munchkin "

Me:"thank you bunny I'm really happy too "

Lee:"when did you find out ?"

Me:"third period Mr Khumalo told me the good news "

Lee:"that's awesome I know how much this means to you "

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