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"Let's put Yoonie to sleep then?" Yoonie nodded and straddled Hoseok while sucking on his thumb and slowly slept as Hoseok kept patting his back and cradling him.

After Yoonie fell asleep.

"Since when did he start calling you daddy?" Jin asked.

"It's been a while"

"But that day he called you Seokie hyung," Namjoon said.

"I am also confused why he called me Seokie Hyung when he calls me daddy" everyone looked at the sleeping Yoonie in Hoseok's arms. They cooed at him.

Everyone turned their faces to Jackson except Yoonie who was sleeping.

"So, what happened? What should we do now?"

"Let's see" they gave Jackson a blank look "I mean he does not remember anything and he is an alter and moreover the host is sleeping, if you can make Yoon take over then maybe we can know more about them or he has to come to my therapy session"

"I have an idea" everyone turned to Jennie "We can ask Kija, I mean he might know at least something" they nodded.

"So, when should we go to him and ask him?" Jin asked.

"Let's wait, let Yoongi take over again and then tell us we will go," Hoseok said.

"No," Jackson said.

"Why?" Hoseok asked with a frown on his face as he patted Yoonie's back.

"If Yoon didn't tell him then there would be a reason and I don't think we should with interrupt him. Yoonie also said that Suga needs a break, what if this interrupts his break" they nodded.

"So, what should we do?"

"We should go to him," Hoseok said as he looked at Yoonie. "I don't think he will wake up for a while" Hoseok looked at the others "Let's get this done and fast" they nodded.

"Someone should stay here," Jackson said.

"I will stay," Jin said as he looked at Yoonie. Everyone nodded.

Hoseok laid Yoonie on the bed and left with Namjoon, Jackson and Jennie while Jin stayed with Yoonie in case he woke up.

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