= First Night Over =

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This chapter had been sitting in my hard drive uncompleted for years, so glad to finally get it out to you!

= Naruto =

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= Naruto =

(Second Person)

Without your father around, your shabby little two bedroom apartment felt cold. The vibrant and tacky wallpaper, courtesy of the previous occupant, looked dull in your eyes. It was as if without him around life just didn't happen anymore. The misery of it was clearly broadcast on your face, and Naruto could feel it strongly secondhand.

"Hey.." Your boyfriend dawdled behind you, shifting from side to side.

You bit your lip, anything to keep yourself from breaking down in front of him. Well, more than you already have. Outside, Naruto had to dry the tears from your eyes several times. Who knew how long the two of you stood there being a spectacle.

Taking your silence in stride, Naruto grabbed your hand and led you from the doorstep into the kitchen to sit you down at breakfast nook.

From there he began rummaging through the cabinets and fridge, grabbing you a plate and setting some bread in the toaster. You hadn't realized until now that with the day being as crazy as it was you had completely forgotten about breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

You hadn't expected Naruto to be much of a cook, he stopped by so frequently these days that your dad was certain you were the only two people feeding him. But he held his own with the Taiyaki today. Maybe you were wrong?

With the toast on the go, Naruto hauled out a frying pan and began cracking some eggs...messily, but he had the foresight to fish out the egg shells.

With a crunch Naruto cracked an egg that splattered all over the counter. "Ah--come on!"

Or, maybe you hadn't? Watching him mop it up with the kitchen towel pulled a smile to your lips.

Without any further slip-ups, Naroto finished making you a fairly basic midnight snack. He sat, head laying on his crossed arms and watched you pick away at it.

"Hey...Naruto?" You swallowed, finishing what you felt you could handle with your stomach still tied up in knots. The remaining bites you poked around with your fingertips.

"Mhm?" His voice came muffled behind his arms.

"Ah..well" You fiddled with your hands, thinking of the best way to ask. Having him here was comforting, and left alone you had a feeling that tonight would be awfully restless. You waited until he had raised his head up to continue.

"Do you have any missions tomorrow?"

"Mm" His eyes drifted to the side, thinking, "None that I know of, why?"

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