Chapter 26 | To Search the Sun

Start from the beginning

The fire hummed, nodding in understanding. "What is it that you can't do at first and you are magically able to do the next?"

Clara shook her head, even more, confused now. "I-I don't understand—"

"When you first came to that body." The fire's voice was firm, her flames intensifying. "Think hard, dear."

She figured the fire wouldn't give her answers that easily. What was it that she couldn't do when she first discovered she was inside Anneliese's body?

"The most important thing, dear. The most valuable possession a Hiestoran has," the fire whispered to her ear.

And it finally clicked. When she first discovered she was in another girl's body, Clara learned she could not put her powers to use. She got used to it existing within her that the moment it was gone, she felt half of herself was gone. She depended so much on her powers that she never imagined how life would be without them. She became weak... and scared.

The look of realization on Clara's face was enough to answer the fire's question. But the princess still had so many to ask.

"I remember you telling me that this necklace is your second gift—"

"Not my second gift," the fire interrupted, "but the second gift that was given to you."

"And the first one?" Clara's heart was racing. She couldn't decide whether it was due to excitement or something else.

"The first one was given to you by a dear friend. I believe it was her soul she had gifted you."

"Wha—" Clara almost lost her balance. She put a hand around her throat and then down to her stomach, remembering how Jade, her dragon friend, made her swallow a part of her soul.

"Giving you my soul means I will always be with you. No matter where you are, no matter where your soul goes, you shall never be alone."

Clara remembered Jade telling her that. She placed her palm over her forehead. The fire's eyes followed her as she moved around. Or at least, Clara imagined the fire had eyes.

Is that why every time something bad was about to happen, there was a tingly and warm sensation in her stomach? "It was as if she was warning me from afar," she said to herself.

"A jade dragon's vision can extend for miles and they can do it in so many ways."

The fire arranged the garden flowers to make a bed and she caught Clara by the arm, forcing her to sit down.

"And with you having a part of her enables her to see what happens around you," the fire continued as she sat down beside her.

No longer wary of her presence, the birds braided Clara's hair and decorated it with tiny beads and flowers. A rabbit lay on her lap and the squirrels gathered around her to offer her chestnuts. Clara gave them a small smile and accepted their gifts, afraid that she would offend them if not. But still, she couldn't help but be bothered.

"T-Then it means Jade knew this would happen. Why wouldn't she... why would she still..."

Why would Jade let it happen? She could have warned Clara!

"Don't," said the fire as if it knew what she was thinking. She took the red ribbon from a bird's beak and tied it herself around Clara's finished braid. "I'd like to ask you."

Clara swallowed. "Go on."

"Would you give someone a part of your soul?"

Clara's eyebrows knitted.

"It's a simple question, my dear."

She looked away. Somehow, without the facial features, Clara thought the fire had eyes that could see through her mind and heart. And that idea alone made it impossible for her to lie. She just couldn't.

Moonlight's Deception (Eclipse of Hiestora, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now