1: slicer piper

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Full name: Piper askle robins
Birthday: 2000 September 13th
Sexuality/gender: pansexual , transgender mtf

Personality: probably one of the most normal of slendermans proxies. She doesn't like what she does but has no choice. She isnt sadistic or anything or mentally ill really ,she has major trust issues but after you gain her trust shes very loyal to you and is your friend for life.shes probably the type of person you wouldnt think twice about after seeing somewhere.
2 big burn marks on the left and right of her face and 1 on the right of her neck

Brown eyes

Black messy (emoish??) Hair

Black and white stripped shirt with Beige tank top underneath

Black worn out jeans
And red converse
Random facts:

She likes to draw sometimes

Her favorite food is chicken noodle soup

She has a gf (marabelle rosa:D)

They are also married

She has adhd and social anxiety

Shes mixed (black and Mexican)


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