A Lost Queen

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"Izumi Nakajima and Nadia Ataljevic!" Mithat Karaman shouted.

Mithat Karaman or rather General Karaman was training soldiers of the lower ranks. Izumi had been a soldier for a year in the army of the Rakuyou Queendom. Izumi was human and she had to fight her best friend Nadia who was a fairy. They were in a valley full of barracks and they were training in a big field near a small lake. The sun was making the lake shine and the soldiers sweat in their white uniforms. Izumi stepped forward into the clearing with Nadia. The soldiers and General Karaman were watching them. Izumi was taller but also thinner than Nadia. They were both athletic. Izumi was better at combat and Nadia was better at using her powers. They both wouldn't let their emotions interfere with their training. They both got into a fighting stance.

"Ready? Fight!"

Nadia held both her palms out to her sides and a flesh eating plant grew in front of Izumi in the blink of an eye. Izumi grabbed a sharp blade out of her pocket and cut the plant's root when it was about to attack her. Nadia didn't waste a second and surged forward kicking Izumi's throat while Izumi was kneeling. Nadia grabbed her own dagger and was about to stab Izumi with it but Izumi swiftly rolled to her side. She got up to her feet and lunged forward. Nadia grew a plant that shackled Izumi's left leg. Izumi was smart enough not to cut the vines around her leg when her opponent was close to her. Nadia ran towards Izumi and tried to punch her throat but Izumi blocked her attack easily. Izumi got down on one knee when Nadia tried to throw another fist at her and she sliced Nadia's belly with her blade. Nadia grunted and took a step backwards, she held her belly with both her hands.

"You know if you're going to get down on one knee you should propose, not cut someone." Nadia sarcastically said.

Izumi chuckled as she cut the vines that were glued to her.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Less talking more fighting girls." General Karaman warned them.

"Sure thing general."

Izumi ran towards Nadia with her blade ready in her hand. Nadia's magnificent green wings grew out of their sockets and they carried her into the air where Izumi couldn't reach her. Izumi had to admit that it was annoying to fight a fairy. Nadia manipulated the light to blind Izumi temporarily, then she flew towards her and kicked her to the ground. Nadia produced vines that held Izumi's legs and arms. Nadia flew down to the ground and stood next to Izumi. Izumi's sight started to return and she could see the blurry Nadia hovering above her with a dagger in her hand. Izumi wriggled with fury but the vines were too strong. It was too late. Nadia pointed her dagger at Izumi's heart.

"Congratulations Ataljevic. Nakajima, I expected better from you."

General Karaman dismissed them. Nadia made her vines disappear, tucked her dagger in her pocket, and offered her hand to Izumi. Izumi took her hand in frustration and got up to her feet.

"I do have an unfair advantage, you know with my powers and all."

"That's true but I still have to learn how to fight mystical creatures." Izumi said agitated.

Nadia looked guilty and upset which softened Izumi's anger.

"I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at myself."

"For what it's worth, I believe in you. You're so much better at combat than me."

While the girls were chattering, they entered the women's barrack which was a five-story building that was made of stone and looked worn out. There were stairs on their left and the cafetaria on their right. They pushed the blue door and walked in. They picked up a tray and got in line for food. After they filled their trays they sat down in the middle of the cafetaria.

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