Meow meow San Lang

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[From Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Hua Cheng's Birthday]

Suggested by galaxykhat 

Xie Lian woke up in the middle of the night; he was crashing at San Lang's, after another DJ gig at Gambler's Den. San Lang wasn't in bed. He sleepily thought he had gone to the toilet or something; he stretched himself lazily and meant to turn around, when he felt something by his side. Something furry, black, vibrating softly. A cat! A cat?

A huge black cat; Xie Lian looked at it, fascinated. "Where did you come from?", he asked softly, not helping himself but touching its fur gently.

The cat kept purring, and opened his eyes; it was dark, but for some reason Xie Lian saw its eyes were reddish-brown. Come to think of it, he had never seen a cat with those eyes! Blue or green, maybe yellow, yes, but reddish-brown... and they looked familiar too...

Xie Lian turned to his side, surrounding the cat with his body, smiling sleepily, and kept petting it, its silky black fur easy through his fingers. "Where did San Lang get you from? How come I didn't see you before, where were you hiding?", he asked the cat.

The cat kept looking at him with knowing eyes, and offered him a slow blink. Xie Lian smiled, "I see, you're a kind of sexy pet aren't you?"

The cat got up and rubbed itself against Xie Lian, purring and walking around softly, waving its fluffy tail in the air. Xie Lian kept still, and it got closer, sniffing at Xie Lian's face lightly, its whiskers ticklish. Then it gave him a few licks on Xie Lian's nose and mouth; he laughed, but the cat didn't stop licking.

"Hey, where do you think San Lang went? He's taking his time..."

He kept ruffling the cat's black fur, so smooth, taking in his familiar scent, feeling the vibration of its purr. He had a dog at home, so he wasn't really familiar with cats; even so he knew purring was a good sign. The cat also pawed at Xie Lian's face a few times, so cute!

"You're not San Lang, turned into a cat are you?", he pffted a laugh.

That cat, he realised, did look a lot like San Lang, or at least had the same vibe; Xie Lian wondered if it was true pets take after their owners. It started licking Xie Lian down the neck, on his ear, nibbling at his earlobe – pretty much what San Lang usually did!

"Hey hey this is..."

The cat carried on licking him; it felt like never ending licking, and not like a small cat's tongue either. Actually, it did feel like when San Lang did it too! It licked Xie Lian's chest; he put his hands around the cat, but didn't have the heart to push it away. The cat licked a nipple, slowly, deliberately even, and nibbled at it.

Xie Lian jolted, "Hey! No, stop it, this is... hmmm".

What was going on, why was he feeling like that? This was so wrong! Besides the tongue, he felt the cat's teeth on him, but they weren't pointy and small, they were...

Xie Lian moaned, turning his head from one side to the other, and jolted again, shooting his eyes open: something black, furry, weighting down on him. Not furry, hairy: it was San Lang!

"San Lang? What you're doing?"

San Lang paused, turning his face to a side, and flashed him a smile. "What does it look I'm doing?"

"I-I was sleeping... dreaming even!", he blurted out.

Still smiling, resting his face on his palm, San Lang replied, "What do you mean? I was sleeping and you started!" He got up slightly and dragged himself up to kiss Xie Lian. "You started ruffling my hair and talking all cute... going meow meow too... I couldn't resist Gege".

Xie Lian felt his whole face burning madly; it was all a dream, and a weird one at that! Yes, that cat was San Lang in the end! But why a cat, he wondered...

"Anyway, now we're both awaken right? Can I carry on?", San Lang asked, smiling teasingly.

"Hmm", Xie Lian replied, reaching for San Lang's hair, and said, "But, San Lang, can you... hum, purr and meow for me? Just, you know, for fun?"

San Lang laughed, "Oh? I didn't know you had these cat kinks Gege! Hum, alright. Meow..." 

galaxykhat suggested it - the crazier idea the better! 😜

I'd bet my bone ashes that snowbellenightshade will love this one too!!!

Thanks for reading! If you liked it please vote, comment, follow me! 😍

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