“What- here? Now?” Miguel sputtered

“That’s a time, this is a place, unless that was all just talk”

“Not for me” Miguel shook his head, looking over at Robby

“Or me” Robby shrugged

“Are you sure about this?” I said, dad gave me a sure look “Alright, let’s get on with it”

Dad and I took a few steps back. Miguel and Robby looked across at one another, both getting into their respective positions. I wondered if dad would yell something to start it, but he didn’t. He was leaving it up to them. Miguel struck first, but Robby shot right back. 

“C’mon is that all you got?” 

“Will you just let them do it” I groaned

I was already scared enough, I didn’t need dad helping. Robby and Miguel swung and kicked back and forth, both incredibly matched with one another, hell they’ve fought so many times at this point they probably know everything about the other’s fighting style.

“I thought you guys were sworn enemies”

“Don’t make me beat you up” I glared at dad

That got them going. It was so intriguing to watch the way that they both fought. You can tell that they were both passionate, well trained, and well rounded, using all different techniques they’re learned from every single one of their senses. They did the exact same move a couple times. It was horrifying to watch, that last time I saw them fight like this, Miguel ended up in a coma. Robby started throwing punch after punch, backing Miguel up, but Miguel was the one to get the first hit, sending a hook kick to Robby’s face. I wanted to tell them to stop, but that wasn’t the point, the point was to let them fight until they decided they were done. 

Robby came back with full power, giving everything he had into his kicks. Miguel narrowly dodged, Robby did an amazing flying kick I’d never seen before, and kicked Miguel’s leg out from under him. Ah so that’s a distraction and momentum move, got it. Miguel jumped to his feet as Robby ran towards him.

“Let’s go” I don’t think Robby was taunting, just saying words

They continued to fight, Miguel now fueled by Robby’s successful attack on him, but that only made Robby bight back harder. I didn’t realize that my hands were shaking until dad grabbed onto one of them, wrapping his other arm around me. This was a good idea, right? This was going to work, it made sense that it should work, everything was going to be okay- or at least that’s what I thought until Robby had Miguel backed up against a door, and actually kicked him through the door. They disappeared into the stairwell- oh fuck the stairwell. 

“Hey hey! Stairwell’s out of bounds!” Dad called out, obviously they didn’t listen

Robby and Miguel reappeared on the second floor or the apartment complex, Miguel landing on top of Robby. My heart was beating up in my ears and I felt like I was gonna have an asthma attack. 

“Alright that’s it, fight’s over!” Dad tried shouting at them again

They were on the ground until Robby kicked Miguel into the wall and he got up. Miguel grabbed Robby and rugby tackled him backwards, until Robby got out and Miguel face planted. 

“Alright that’s enough!” I shouted “Robby Miguel knock it off!”

Miguel kicked Robby in the face and got back up, Miguel grabbed around Robby and threw him up against the railing. I was gonna vomit, I screamed as loud as I could, trying to get their attention but nothing was working. It was like….. It was like they had gone red. Miguel had Robby up against the railing, shirt in his hand, and he was raining it down on him.

“Stop it! Please, enough!” I begged, and was again ignored “Shit!”

I finally ran after them, running as fast as I possibly could to get up to the second floor. I tripped on the way up in my hurry, I scrambled to my feet as fast as I could and came out of the doorway, I ran towards them, it felt like slow motion. Miguel shouted, Robby ready to meet the fate that I knew he thought he deserved. I was ready to push Robby out of the way and go backwards over that ailing myself. But before I could reach them, everything stopped. Miguel stopped, Robby stopped, everything……. Skidded to a halt. Both boys panted in exhaustion and emotion, Miguel’s arms fell like anvil to his sides.

“Why’d you hold back?” Robby’s voice was shaky and breathless, he was scared, for the first time I saw Robby, truly scared

“I didn’t get into karate to hurt people” Miguel let out a low, grovely breath of words “I did it to be badass and, find balance”

“Yeah I understand that” Robby nodded honestly 

“Last time we fought like this uh, how come you didn’t hold back?” Miguel asked hesitantly

“I just wanted to finish the fight” Robby’s eyes were ridden with regret “I mean, not like that I just….. I…. I had tunnel vision and I got so angry that I just…. I mean, I barely knew where we were. I’d take it back in a second if I could. I mean I was the cause of the worst moment in your life…… Worst day of my sister’s life….. And if it’s any consolation, it was the worst moment in my life too”

Miguel smiled, tiredly and, with some struggle, but he smiled “Yeah, I’ll take it” he nodded

I let out a breath, leaning against the wall as my heart stopped pounding in my ears. For the first time in my life I felt like my life was actually pivoted in the right direction, a good, and new direction. 

“So” I finally spoke up “Is it over? Are you guys good?”

Miguel and Robby looked at each other, then looked at me and both nodded together. I let out a breath of relief and walked towards them, but something stopped me. As always, it was my dad.

“Thank god, because if you still hated each other when the baby gets here……” dad trailed off

All of us quirked our heads in confusion “The baby?” I re-said, eye as wide as watermelons

“Wait what?” Miguel and Robby were both  out of it as I was, if not more “Like, you and my mom?” Miguel clarified

“Yeah we’re uh….. We’re having a baby” Dad nodded, I couldn’t believe my ears “We were supposed to tell you together so make sure you act surprised”

“Holy shit!” Miguel shouted

“Yeah like that”

“Dad that’s…..” Robby chuckled “That’s awesome”

I ran up and jumped into my dad’s arms, hugging him as tight as I could. Robby came up next, Miguel lastly, all of us happily holding onto each other inlight of our new relationship, and a new addition to this messed up, ridiculous family? What the hell?! I think dad was the most in shock, having a baby and having all three of his kids hugging him at once. I mean- fucking hell another one? More kids?! This is insane!

"Dad I'm so happy for you!" I smiled, not letting him go “So I guess… you kinda are both my brother’s now huh?” I took a chance, hopefully it wasn’t too soon

“I mean, if you’ll have me” I looked up and noticed Miguel wasn’t asking me, he was asking Robby

“Hey, you care about Harley” Robby smiled, actually smiled “That’s all that matters”

I squealed with joy, making everybody laugh their asses off at me, and then I laughed at myself because I’m a moron. I had never felt a bigger weight lifted off of my shoulders. We were all a family now, and we liked it! All of us were okay with it. This is the best day of my life!


Psychotic Kids '-' Eli Moskowitzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن