Chapter 0.2

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Rengoku Toujuro was... very tired.

He felt very, very faint.

That battle against that.. demon... He had seen his life flash before his eyes. He had thought he was going to die. No, he was sure he was going to die.

Only someone as prodigiously talented as Yoriichi-san would be able to win against that monster, he thought.

Yet right when the demon's claws were going to shred his neck to bits, something clicked.

It was like a river opened inside him and drowned him from inside and out, he felt overwhelmed with emotions and at the same time felt empty of them. All in one moment before..

Before his hand just moved by itself and the 9th form of flame breathing came to be: Rengoku

Okay, so he wasn't good with naming, so what? He was good with a sword, and could win any eating contest! That's what was needed to survive! Not naming skills haha!

Thinking of the tempura he had bullied (read begged on his knees) Giichi into making (because he was the best cook and was that not unfair? Toujuro loves eating yet he's a fire hazard, which, fitting, but Giichi literally starved himself every other day! Ah if only gifts were given to people who actually wanted it!) he stared down at the blood soaked yukata that now stuck uncomfortably to his skin, smiling nervously.

Michikatsu-san, that neatness freak, definitely won't be happy!

Rubbing at the skin of his cheek that still felt wierd because of something that appeared on it, he walked deeper into the forests surrounding the hashira headquarters, hopefully walking in the direction of the pool, it was night after all, he would walk right into a hole and would be none the wiser until he looked like he had rolled in the dirt with some wild animal!

But that's fine! Tempuras were waiting!

Fortunately, his memory didn't, in fact, fail him! Quickly walking towards the pool that reflected the full moon's light, he kneeled down to inspect himself.

A young face with golden hair and red tips stared back with gold-red eyes. It was flushed red with exertion and sweat visibly gleamed on his face even in the dark of the night, yet the most prominent feature was the flame marks that leapt up the left side of his face, from chin to forehead.

A mark that most definitely was not there before! What in the world! Did he burn his face without knowing it!

A mark that most definitely was not there before! What in the world! Did he burn his face without knowing it!

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How irresponsible! Toujuro thought as he rubbed lightly at the mark. It didn't hurt, it just felt wierd, overall. But it didn't hurt.. so it was not a burn?

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