"I was hoping you'd forget about my mistake now you know one of my secrets" she says softly not looking so happy that her secret was found out.

"What is so bad about knowing your secret Aria?"

She looks at me thinks for a moment picking her words carefully "Everything"

Gets a bad feeling looking her over slowly, shakes it off "Well shall we continue with the rest of the tour?" Leads Aria out of the library heading to the cafeteria.

Aria's Pov.

Walking beside Tyson hoping he won't be able to find out the rest of my secrets.

'Do you guys think I should keep my distance for a bit?'

Phoenix- You need to make sure no one finds out your secret until the dark ones show up.

Tierra- You two are bonded since the day you saved him.

Sighs softly and looks around hearing a noise getting louder the closer we are to the cafeteria.

Hides behind Tyson as he opens the door to the noisy cafeteria, since I never been good with people because i'd usually get really mad or extremely sad.

Jumps slightly when someone calls for Tyson, looks up at him nervously and hoping he won't make me sit with people who are the same but different.

Glances around the room noticing  not oneperson has multi colored streaks in their hair or anyone isn't wearing sunglasses.

Looks up at the giant window feeling the heat from the sun light is giving on my skin, sighing softly.

"Tyson, I think I will sit by myself. You can sit with your friends, no need to worry about me" I say softly, walking up to the women dressed in a white coat and a hair net that is standing behind a counter, getting my food.

Smiles at her kindly "Excuse me? If you aren't too busy, do you mind telling me about the different food that you have?" looks at her nervously, thinking she might say no.

"Of course sweet heart, well lets see... today is anything pasta, so its Spaghetti, Lasanga, cheese Cappalletti, and a normal Kraft dinner. With the side you can have a salad or even homemade garlic bread loaf" pointing to each one in turn smiling at me kindly.

Smiles at her widely "Well  would love some, could I get cheese cappalletti with the homemade garlic bread please?" Tilts my head to the side. Looking around the cafeteria not used to crowds since people would either try to avoid me or make my life a living hell. Pays for my food and looks around walking over to a empty seat away from the groups.

A soft breeze wafts close and I smell something about to hit me but I turn around quickly holding my tray in one hand and using some of my air to change its course, narrows my eyes 'This isn't going to be easy' feeling the anger make my skin heat up.

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