"You are my wife so technically you are Mrs. Singh so why can't I call you Mrs. Singh?" Abhimaan said nonchalantly while looking at her. He put his one leg on other leg and sat comfortably on chair.

After that day he had seen Janhavi today and after seeing her, he got to know how eager he was to see her. He knew that she was angry with him right now and will not talk to him but still the desire to spend time with her did not decrease even one percent.

He didn't know that why he was behaving like a desperate teenager but he could do anything to get a glimpse of her.

He had noticed in these two days that she would not come out of her room in his presence. she stayed in her until he left the mansion in the morning and after his arrival to the mansion so he came home in the evening itself so that he could meet her without giving her single chance to hide.

"Sorry, maybe I have heard something wrong because as far as I know, I am not your wife but a baby carrier for you." She said in harsh tone and venom dripping from words.

Abhimaan got very angry on hearing Janhavi's words and looked up at her from whose eyes a tear fell on her cheek which she quickly wiped with her hand. he took a deep breathe to cool down his anger which worked. He got up from the chair and took his steps towards her and said to her in soft tone which he never used for anyone "I didn't mean to say that. I said all that in anger."

There was sincerity in his voice but Janhavi did not recognize it in her grief and anger. He came and stood in front of her in just two steps.

"I don't want to know why you said that???? The only thing important that I know what you said was true and my current reality but you also know very well that I myself did not choose this identity for me. You forced me" she said to him with many emotions like hate, loathe, disgust, anger, pain, and many more and one after the other tears started falling from her eyes.

Abhimaan heart was burning seeing her like this but irony of the life, he himself was responsible for that.

He admitted that he did everything to her for his selfish reason but he had no intention of insulting her and hurting her. If he wanted to hurt her dignity then he would never give her his name. he would forcefully take whatever he wanted from her but no he didn't do. He legally made his wife and gave respect which a girl deserved in her life.

He raised his hand and just as he was about to touch her cheek to wipe her tears, she took her steps back and hissed at his face gritting her teeth in anger "Don't try to touch me."

"Okay I won't touch you but listen to me. I accept my mistake that I shouldn't have called you by that name and I promise you that I will never call you with any disrespecting words." He said to her in determined tone taking his hand back. His eyes were clearly showing his truthfulness that he was honest with every word he said.

This was the first time for The Great Abhimaan Rana Pratap Singh when he had admitted his mistake because before that he had never felt that he had made a mistake.

There was definitely some power in this girl who was unknowingly controlling him.

"Are you apologizing to me?" She asked him in disbelief knitting her eyebrows while folding her hand on her chest.

"No" he answered her immediately.

It could never happen that Abhimaan Rana Pratap Singh would apologize to anyone.

Janhavi suddenly started laughing while tears were still flowing from her eyes. Abhimaan found her laughing as a mocking which was making him angry but he controlled his anger as he did not want to lose himself being angry again.

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