"I'm late." I murmured making his fingers halt through my hair.

"What?" He asked making me looked up at him and swallowed before grimacing at the taste in my mouth. I stood up from the floor and went to the sink to brush my teeth.

"What did you say, Nico?" Gio asked as I brushed my teeth, intentionally taking my damn time in doing so. I gosh that even look at him through the mirror because I've as afraid at what I'd see.

"Nico," Gio said and I closed my eyes putting my toothbrush and toothpaste in their appropriate locations before wiping my face and mouth on the towel. "What did you say?"

"I'm late," I repeated my earlier words not daring to look up at him as I felt tears filled my eyes. I don't think I could ever look at him in the eyes again. I can already picture them dark—my thoughts were interrupted by a gentle finger raising my face to look up into eyes that were soft and warm. I blinked, a tear rolling down my cheek that he was quick to wipe away,

"I can already see your mind working on scenarios that aren't true, baby," he murmured before pulling me into his arms and pressing a kiss to the top of my head, "whatever it is, it's not true. I love you, all of you, I told you this already. I don't care that if you two heads and three eyes, I love you, and that wont change."

I muffled a chuckle at his statement about me having two heads and three eyes, he is ridiculous sometimes, but I suppose that's what I love about him.

"How many days are you late?" He asked and I sighed burying my face in his chest and mumbled the date, "Love, I can't understand you." I grumbled and looked up at him to see him with a smile and a raised brow.

I sighed, "I had my last period on the first of August and I was supposed to get it again on the 26th."

He nodded as he did the math, "About the same time we got married if I'm correct?"

I nodded and he pulled out his phone and pulled up a calendar and counted the days.

"That would make you about a week late," he said and I nodded, "do you want me to make you an appointment with Kenzie?"

"Aren't you mad?" I asked and he furrowed his brows before his features softened and shook his head as he cupped my face.

"Why would I be mad? You probably have given me the greatest thing in the world." He replied and I blinked my tears away, "I'll set an appointment with Kenzie while you go and assure our boys that you're okay." I felt my eyes widen before I quickly—after giving him a kiss on the lips—rushed out of the bathroom to the kitchen where Tanner was silently crying in his highchair with Aros frowning with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey, now," I cooed taking Tanner out of the chair while simultaneously leading Aros to the living room, his cartoon long forgotten, and cradled both of my boys against my side where they hid their faces and gripped my shirt, "I'm so sorry for scaring you both."

"Mama sick?" Aros asked with a sniffle looking at me with teary eyes and I gave him a small smile as I wiped his tears away before pressing a kiss to Tanner's forehead while rubbing his back in soothing circles in order to calm his down.

"I'm alright, love, I must have eaten something that didn't sit well with my tummy but Daddy is already making  me an appointment to go see Doctor Kenzie to see what caused me to be sick." Though I had an idea of what it might be but I didn't want to say in case it wasn't that.

"No like mama sick," Tanner whispered as he hiccuped, "not fun."

I chuckled pressing a kiss to his forehead and cleaning his runny nose with a tissue that was on the coffee table, "it'll be alright, now why don't we get those sandwiches made?"


"Good afternoon, Donna, Don said you have been throwing up?" Doctor Kenzie asked and I nodded, "Has this been going on for a while or is it recent?"

"Recent." She nodded as she jutted it down on her notepad.

"When was your last period?" I told her that it had been the first of August and she nodded before setting her clipboard down, "have you experienced any other symptoms other then nausea and vomiting?" I shook my head, she walked over to her cubby and opened it before taking out a lasting cup then she was walking over to me, "I'm going to have you pee into this."

I looked at Gio who gave me a reassuring smile and nod, I took a deep breath before standing up from my chair and taking the cup from her. I had thought he would head back to the office but I'm so glad he came with me instead because I don't think I'd be able to do this on my own. I took a deep breath, did what I was supposed before flushing the rest down the toilet before returning to the room where Gio and the Doctor were talking.

"Here you go," I said handing it over to her noticing the test box on the counter and felt my breath hitch as sweat coated my hands. Gio instantly grabbed hold of my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and in an instant my nerves left out the window. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"It'll be okay, I'm here."

"Alright now we wait a few minutes for the results."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat